A 10-minute short stretched to 50 minutes through plot convenience after plot convenience.
The children (especially Loretta) didn't behave like how children would in such situations at all.
The magical properties of the Loop/Eclipse make it more fantasy than science fiction.
Philip Glass' cookie-cutter piano score.

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This could have been an artistic masterpiece. All the elements are there. The cinematography, the music, the writing, the directing. Everything is top notch. But something is just not quite right. The pacing is slightly off. There are times where is seemed like the slow and steady progression stumbled. Usually it was when a character should have acted or spoken, but there were a few extra seconds before anything happened. Sometimes more than a few seconds. These little missteps were enough the break the spell of the otherwise brilliant unfolding of the story.

I also have to wonder at the mix of science levels. We have computers that look like they are from the early 90s and yet there is an obviously advanced robot in the woods. The TVs seem they are from the 80s. Why wouldn't these also.be from the 90s?

I can understand landlines if mobile phones would disturb the Loop (or the other way around).

I assume this was an attempt to make the show more temporally agnostic, but it was very distracting in its inconsistency.

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Welcome to the future... We have bionic limbs, time machines and ring ring... Excuse me while I answer the call on my 1950's rotary telephone.

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Curious enough to continue. Rebecca Hall is always great though.

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What a stunning first tale. I already suspected what was going on some way before them telling us, but ah, it was all so beautifully done. Even I feel like somehow it was a dream, but not sure whose. And such a haunting, lovely soundtrack! I hope the rest of the show keeps this quality.

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The visual of this show are beautiful. Pacing is slow but captivating!

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This is certainly not for everyone, but it would be a waste if it had tried to be.
First and foremost it's a slow burn and takes its time. I have to admit that I wasn't fully in the mood first, but it drew me in. I have a knack for worlds that are almost like ours, just a little... shifted towards the strange. Like Stephen King's best books.
So if you're going to watch this you're in it for a strange ride into a world you won't understand. And if your curiosity gets the better of you - like mine did - you're going to want to keep watching.

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Loved the pace and the music. This episode was strange but only because you just don't see this kind of Science Fiction any more. Quiet, patient and full of wonder. The cinematography is first rate, also. I really liked the odd things placed around the town, in the woods and out in open fields. The robot that is just kind of walking around was very weird, especially because the humans had no concern that it was there.

This first episode had a nice story that ended up being rather sweet. There seems like there will be a variety of stories told with the "Loop" being the common link between them.

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The calm and sedate pacing took me by surprise, but after a while I found myself getting wrapped up in this. It's beautifully shot and has a peaceful, nostalgic feel to it without throwing it in your face like Stranger Things does (though I love that show). I'm sure most of us had figured out what was going on by the halfway point and there was some annoyance in the episode not acknowledging it quicker, but the central mystery here is done in such a way that the more you think about it the deeper your musings can go.

I loved the performances, too. Good child actors are difficult to find and both were great here. One thing which bugged me a bit was the way characters were interacting; it almost seemed like everyone was a little bit afraid of each other. There was no warmth. I don't know if this was intentional but it made me feel like everything was off.

This looks like it's going to be a thoughtful and emotional take on science fiction storytelling, so I'm interested in where it goes from here. A lot of questions left dangling.

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It was so beautiful , the mood , the music , the softness ,this young actress so subtle so touching ...

Ir reminds me of Rectify,The Leftovers ...

Don’t binge this one !

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