Personal Lists featuring...

Tales of the Unexpected 1979


TV-shows released and aired between 1970 & 1979, or beyond.
*last update 09/01/2024


Sync Television Time archived shows through Trakt


list auto imported from imdb by on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:29:25 UTC


Various genres of TV Shows which I’ve rated a 7 or 8 or of 10.

Enjoy :)


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


A list of television series whose episodes or seasons are individual stories not usually connected by an overarching plot, in the Horror and/or Science Fiction genres,
