Shouts about...

Ted Lasso: Season 3

3x05 Signs

Lesbihonest... who saw that twist coming?

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An episode that does what has to be done.
In order for the big stories to work, certain things have to happen first. Therefore, the team is currently on a losing streak and Keeley is falling into the arms of someone who isn’t Roy. Also, Zava is written out here so that Jamie can become the star player again later on.
Nice b-stories for Rebecca and Nate.

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That scene with Rebecca in the coffee shop was the weirdest bit of writing I’ve seen in a while

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not a good "friend"., not a goot meal

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Not a very strong season till now. Bit slow and boring. Hope this changes soon.

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Did they go an ruin one of the funniest shows out there? This episode (and last) had no laughs. Just weird and inappropriate wokeness, instead of the funny show it was. Roys been hard, but never sadistic, they've made keeley and colin gay, rupert is having an affair, rebecca into mysticism, like an onslaught of nonsense that wasn't there before. What a shame.

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He was growing on me, surprisingly. Maybe he really does have charisma. But I don’t think I’ll miss him that much.

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That was just bad. Barely a joke in there, lots of characters desperately reaching for humour by doing something out of character and the most obvious "twists" in the history of TV.

The show is a mess, and it's a good thing it's ending, as in reality it had nothing left to say after season 1.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Ugh I'm disappointed I misread the restaurant host situation. Why is she giving that arsehole Nate the time of day. Let the cunt be a cunt. Don't humanise him.

It's sad that so many women's storylines centre around the idea that they need a child to be happy/fulfilled in life.

SO glad Shandy got the boot.
Wasn't expecting the Keeley x Jack thing to come to a head so quickly. But She's clearly felt an attraction since first meeting her, just needed some drinks and solid time with her to build the courage. Good for them!

But what on earth is Jack's accent meant to be? It seems like a bit of everything and I can't figure out whether that's intentional or not. I've heard American, British and Australian so far. Then she mentioned going to school in Denmark I think? So maybe it is a perfect rich kid amalgamation of places she's lived? Or Jodi trying her damn best.

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Season 3 is not as good as the previous season and this episode is the worst of it yet

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This season has been somewhat of a let down when comparing with previous seasons. This episode was kinda of boring. And they really need to throw in the random gay scene? It seems like these days on tv when 2 people of same sex are in a scene they start making out or banging. WRF cut the gay shit out already. It’s getting little out of control.

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Interesting episode. The thing with Zava was weird but finally characters race for Keelie and Nathan but REBECCA!! AHH THIS SHIW CONTINUES TO BE SUCH A GREAT WATCH.

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Not much else to say at this point other than I just love this show. This season so far has been very consistently great across the board from the writing, to the characters, to the humor. Ted's arc this season is clear now and I'm eagerly waiting to see what decisions he's going to make by the season's end. Maybe not at knockout at the last few weeks, but great nonetheless. My only "complaint" is that I need some wins soon. This team and most of these characters are struggling so much and I care about them so much that I hate to see them struggle or sad. It's good character work and good setup so it's not really a negative at all, my selfish self just wants to see them happy. Also I'm glad Zava is gone, he only hurt the team in the long run and strayed them from the Lasso way. I'm hoping with him gone they can get back to playing as a unit which has always been their strength, and that Jamie's training with Roy can elevate them even further.

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"Fingernails. What's that about?" ~ Leslie Higgins

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Innocuous family entertainment. Not particularly bad, not particularly awesome, not particularly hilarious, not particularly serious, not particularly romantic, not particularly dramatic. Not about sports. Very American though.

Word of the day: discombobulated

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Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2023-04-13T13:02:59Z— updated 2024-01-15T12:37:04Z

Well they just had to go there didn't they?
As happens everywhere around the world on a daily basis... two women get drunk on a tiny amount of alcohol and instantly become gay. I've been around many drunk women in my life and not once has this happened... but hey, it's 2023 - they've just been oppressed all these centuries.

MODERATION EDIT: Be respectful.

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The problem solving Roy ,ace and the closer from Spiritualised was ace

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TED CANONICALLY PLAYS ROBLOX. also, zava so not cool. on the other hand, JACK AND KEELEY!!!!

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Shout by Douglas

I guess we're playing with fire again, are we? :grin:
I'm still not sure it all worked out well for Rebecca and Sam, though it seems that way so far, so I guess that's the hope for Keeley here.

I wonder if Nate is going to turn a corner now that he seems to have found some success on both fronts or if that's just the show being misleading. His story is still very disconnected from the main one, so maybe there'll be a conflict there when they merge. My guess is still that Richmond will either beat them in a cup match or that Rupert will fire him for not clinching the league title.

Shandy's pathetic-petty-awesome ragequit with that adorable poop machine. :joy:

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I've been saying it since Season 1, Rebecca needs a therapist, not a freaking psychic nor a baby.

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could Richmond get a win ffs??!!! it's heartbreaking

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