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Teen Wolf 2011

I Just Loved From Action MBC Action I Love You UAE U.A.E. United Arab Emirates :flag_ae:

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It's Cheesy :cheese::cheese::cheese::cheese::cheese::cheese::cheese::cheese:He's Inspired By The Action Movie Namely Born to Race Feels More Like A Good Born to Race Parody.

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Annoying Funny He's Inspired By The Action Movie Namely Born To Race Born To Race: Fast Track Movie Name Please Full Movie Teen Wolf English Language

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simply one of the best supernatural series ever made in the history of tv shows. it's really hard to choose between tvd and tw but i think tw is slightly better. slightly.

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Throughout the six seasons of this show, you get a WIDE range of genres. Everyone is bound to love the aesthetics here or there and will likely have a different takeaway from this show! To me, the first three seasons were absolutely incredible! The first season in particular was grounded (I am a sucker for origin stories at that), and a quality story arc follows through season 3. After that, many people start to like the show even more. The plot becomes more complex, less grounded, and really elevates the quality of show for an MTV high school drama. I am not one of those people. I think the back three are too lengthy and convoluted, but regardless, the show is at least worth checking out to see if its your thing!

Average Season Review: 8/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For High School Drama Fans)

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I suggest watching Teen Wolf if you're into the supernatural/sci-fi genre.

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The ratings for this show are completely ridiculous, sorry. It was entertaining enough for a while and the characters were decent but not enough to make me want to finish it.

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This won't delete from my trakt acct no matter what i do!! Very frustrating.

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To be honest I expected it to be cheesy, but it actually was quite good.

Lots of supernatural monsters and the cgi was decent.

I thought it would be more a teenage show, but I’m in my 40’s and enjoyed it.

The last two seasons sadly weren’t as good. The supernatural enemies were well thought of, especially the Dread Doctors, but sadly it was a bit messy, they over complicated it and it became repetitive.

Still a good show.

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Sad to see this finished.

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Teen wolf- one of the greatest series ever watched and will always be in my heart

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im gonna miss this show so much! the laughter, joy, sadness... everything. stiles making everyone crazy with his idiotic words lol. derek, scott everyone. what a journey this was!

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What kind of crappy ending is this?

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Shout by jumper112
BlockedParent2018-08-17T05:27:54Z— updated 2018-08-18T08:01:09Z

season 1,2,3 where good s4 s5 s6 where so boring to watch

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what is lydia even doing in this show. she aint doing nothing

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It's a pretty good show. The Fanbase, mostly the Dylan O'Brien/ Stydia fangirls are very annoying though. It's Teen Wolf, not Dylan O'Brien or Stydia. If you want shit like that so bad, go watch porn.

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I still feel like crying...
Just seeing the thumbnail was enough to make me sad. Can't believe it's over!
Teen Wolf is an amazing show. MTV's best to date!

Dude, I'm sad... really sad.

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Shout by Deleted

it's the best show ever, season 6 is the best

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What can I say? One of my favorite shows ever. In the beginning I thought this would be a Twilight 2.0 (season 1 is kinda trashy, so you need to survive to it before you get to the good part), but as the seasons passed I noticed that Teen Wolf was much more than your usual teen TV show. Is a show about friendship and family, also with lots of useful stuff about mythology, chemistry and biology. Teen Wolf has so much to offer, but most people judge it based solely on the season 1. Being 100% honest, it only get's REAL GOOD on season 3, then season 4 is shitty and 5 + 6 is full of action and drama. If you have the patience to stick with Teen Wolf until the very end, you'll be rewarded with amazing villains, characters that grow through out the series and can really surprise you, reappearances you'd never expect and a perfect series finale.

I love this show, I really do. I'll watch it all over again.

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Its looks like Twilight but worst

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should've ended after season 3

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On July 21, 2016, the cast announced at Comic Con that the sixth season would be the series' final.

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One of "the best" tv shows I've ever watched. I confess that I never wanted to watch Teen Wolf because I thought it was just some dumb teen's show (blame the name for it, tho)... My cousin have always insisted for me to watch it, but I never did. However, a friend of mine - who likes TW a lot - told me that the show was not even close to being a Twilight shit or so. He told me it had lots of mythology and I, as a mythology lover, decided to watch it right away. And thumbs up for the acting, because TW actors are actually really great, including my beloved Dylan O'Brien (who plays "Stiles") and Tyler Hoechlin (who plays "Superman" in the Supergirl tv series).

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BEST SHOW EVER! sad to see it coming to an end.

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Shout by lalalati

I think scott is going to get his alpha powers taken anyone know when season 6 coming out
? #ShiftvW8

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I heard it would be really nice, but to be honest I already had immense trouble with the first episode. So I quit right away.

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Love, love, love this show! Totally addicted!!! :-)

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Shout by Deleted

anyone know when season 6 comes on?

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Finished Season 5, and I still LOVE it. If you're thinking about watching it, GO FOR IT(Keep in mind season 1 was a Pilot season, give it a chance.)

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Worth watching but I hate season 5 because they are all going to die

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It's embarrassing how poorly written this show is after season 2. Queerbaiting at its best.

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season 5 is soooooo good way better than season 4!

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Easily one of MTV's best series. Probably their only great accomplishment since Daria. Teen Wolf is witty, fun, and has a brilliant cast. People will underestimate this show because of its title and youthful appeal. However it's a standout drama with chilling story lines and (for the most part) a great script. The lore can be a bit hectic and not consistent but the cast has incredible chemistry that makes up for the sometimes lackluster sub plots. For a supernatural show, it's stellar. Each season is gradually more complex and darker. If you love supernatural shows, and you're open minded, give Teen Wolf a chance.

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Easily one of MTV's best series. Probably their only great accomplishment since Daria. Teen Wolf is witty, fun, and has a brilliant cast. People will underestimate this show because of its title and youthful appeal. However it's a standout drama with chilling story lines and (for the most part) a great script. The lore can be a bit hectic and not consistent but the cast has incredible chemistry that makes up for the sometimes lackluster sub plots. For a supernatural show, it's stellar. Each season is gradually more complex and darker. If you love supernatural shows, and you're open minded, give Teen Wolf a chance.

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I love this tv show, it always has you on the edge of your seat and is never boring! I love love love it! (and their also all super good looking)

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Shout by Deleted

I'm so excited to season 5, love this serie!

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this show is badass awesome!!

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Toooooop ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

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My favorite TV show. ♥

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waitn 4 season 4

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Shout by miny

Change the header, Lydia is gone.

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Shout by Deleted

I love teen wolf! I love Stiles ! I love Malia! I love Lydia..!!! => Amazing show!!!

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Shout by miny

change the header isaac is gone

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Shout by Deleted

oh yeah! the best TV show ever! but i cant belive Alisson is dead :(

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Shout by Patricia

Oh, how unexpected. The new female character is placed in a situation where she could be manipulated into betraying or hurting her "friends", who lied to her. I did like that Stiles talked about the how messed up it was that Peter was still there, treated almost like an ally, but can it really make up for this episode or the past season? I think not. The writing is cheap and becoming cheaper. I suppose if you want to, you could enjoy the plot, but it just feels to predictable, convenient and dead-horse-ish for me to be entertained. Teen Wolf, we could have had it all, but then Jeff Davis was decidedly not a gift.

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Shout by Deleted

Looove Teen Wolf

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Have they really just ripped off marvels Deadpool?!?!?!

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Shout by Deleted

Fine for some cheap entertainment, but as you move along, the writing gets (even) weaker and there is no continuity! One episode was almost dedicated to Stiles finding more about his sexuality, and the next is forgotten. Plots and characters are discarded every week. By the end of season 3 I was so so tired.

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STEREK ❤️❤️❤️

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when does allison get back from france

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Stilinski: You are so funny! I love you! GOD❤️
McCall: Damn boy! You are hot and a great actor! God love you, man

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I love it!

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fabulous play with super hot actors

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I LOVE Teen Wolf i goes crazy when it's on I just freak out

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Shout by Deleted

I don't know about you but I absolutely adore Teen Wolf, especially from Season 3A onwards, truly has upped it's game.

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Shout by Deleted

My guilty pleasure. Stiles is everything. Needs more Derek though. Looking forward to the next season!

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Shout by Deleted

this show got super dumb

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Shout by Deleted

I love teen wolf...I am in my late 30's...and I love this show. I love vamps and werewolves...

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Shout by Deleted

best serie ever you should wach it

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Shout by Deleted

great characters and some fun moments, but the writers have no sense of pacing or plot, and character development for some of the main characters is treated like a joke. plot gets better as it goes along, but the treatment of some of the characters and their actors is horrible, and there seems to be a refusal to examine some of the more serious issues in the show as well. great fun if you can ignore the majority of the show and concentrate on the characters, and don't watch the last few episodes of season 3b.

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Shout by Deleted

This is the best serie ever you should watch it . amazing

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Season 3 was such a huge disappointment. I can't say I'll be tuning in to season 4 when that starts up this summer. The writing just completely took a nosedive - I'm not sure what Jeff Davis was thinking or doing. I guess season 2 will be this shows only good season. Shame.

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best serie ever

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I don't even know why I'm watching this.

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Shout by Deleted

Love this show can't wait for second half of the season

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Shout by Deleted

Started rhe show because rhe hot boys always found a reason to remove rheir shirts. No matter how vad the actung is i would continue for that reason alone. Howver, it did not happen in season 2. Show is loosing my interest. Either improve the acting or nave rhe hot boys take rheir shirts off more or i wont watch the third season.

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Shout by Deleted

Really awesome show! Gets so much better each season, and the storylines they come up with are just brilliant. I'd prefer if this show was on The CW, I've just never felt its safe and getting what it deserves on MTV

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Love this show! Is is actually one of my faves at the moment! X

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Shout by Deleted

teen wolf more like teen tears

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Took me a year to get past the first two episodes. Third episode, after nine months since the last one I watched, and I finally got into it and started to understand all the hype about it.

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Shout by Deleted

Giving this one a second chance.

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It keeps getting better. Good job, MTV!

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