Yet another narrative in which a man murders women just because, and also everything is too dark! Throw in a genius detective past his prime and antagonistic police who bumble around and get in the way, all set against the backdrop of rising Nazism, and you get... nothing new! Absolutely nothing new. This story has been told over and over and over again. And the slow, plodding pace and the gritty tone don't do the show any favors.

A total waste of time.

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I've read terrible reviews about this show, but I was such a great fan of David Suchet's series that I just had to watch this and thus get myself a new fix of Poirot.

After watching this episode, I can only conclude that those terrible reviews came from people who've read Agatha Christie's books and found significant discrepancy, in an unwanted way, between the books and this show. I haven't read them, so I cannot compare, I can only be influenced by what I just watched. I really liked the acting and the whole ambience. There's this weirdly comfortable dark setting throughout the whole episode. I also enjoyed watching an older Poirot, someone who's been forgotten by pretty much everyone, someone who's not respected, anymore. So, he's more of a loner, poking around stuff all by himself. I think that John Malkovich does a convincing job portraying such an older, forgotten, almost disgraced Poirot, but then again, I always liked Malkovich on screen.

Though it still seems to suffer a bit from "style over substance", I thought this first episode was good enough to keep me curious about the other two. So, off I go, two more to watch!

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