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The Almighty Johnsons 2011

Fantastic concept, writing and acting! I will always be sad it didn't last...but I also thought the bed-hopping was over the top. And the third season royally screwed over the best couples of the show. Probably one of the best shows for the story line and acting in the last 3 years!

I'm glad though that SyFy picked it up for syndication. :)

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Fantastic show that has a ridiculous sounding premise, but is of great value to watch. Characters are really watch-able and drive the story. The show reminds me of Joss Whedon's work, where despite the setting, the show is very much about the characters.
If you don't watch this, then you should

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Shout by Deleted

This is a really good show. Very Antipodean flavour to the drama. The characters feel 'believable', which is quite some feat when they are playing Norse Gods!

More people should see this.

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Nice job, to the folks involved! Thank you.

I certainly started slow. The first four to five episodes didn't hold much promise, but something was certainly building. It's a bit dry at times, a bit corny with a great kiwi sense of humor. The ending is pure fireworks (maybe even water-works for some).

All in all... glad I stayed with it!

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Season 1 started out OK, halfway through the season it starts to get silly. Sophomoric best describes season 2, which repelled me from watching season 3. A few bong hits might make it tolerable ;-)

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Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2024-02-10T08:39:03Z— updated 2024-02-15T06:56:32Z

Norse lore doesn't get any of the Kiwi charm, humour and love that Vampiric lore received. Add to this that it's written, acted and directed like a third rate antipodean soap opera. A missed opportunity.

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Shout by TexElkind

Самый бредовый сериал, который я смотрела.

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Shout by TexElkind

Самый бредовый сериал, который я смотрела.

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Shout by TexElkind

Самый бредовый сериал, который я смотрела.

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Shout by TexElkind

Самый бредовый сериал, который я смотрела.

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Shout by TexElkind

Самый бредовый сериал, который я смотрела.

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Shout by TexElkind

Самый бредовый сериал, который я смотрела.

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Shout by TexElkind

Самый бредовый сериал, который я смотрела.

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Shout by Deleted

καλό φαίνεται... τουλάχιστον η πρώτη σεζόν

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I'm addicted!! Awesome show, if you can get over the new zealand accent.

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