I realize my high school and college physics were a LONG time ago, but does a spaceship NEED to have the engines running ALL the time? I thought the laws of physics and zero gravity stated that once the ship is moving at a fixed velocity, unless something external acts on it (something hits it, they enter the gravity field of some mass, etc) the ship will continue moving in a straight line at the same velocity. Am I wrong?

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When the chick took the wig off…I said I’m done with this show. Has this been cancelled yet?

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That might be me out. Three episodes is enough for me.

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Can we just stop it with the socially inept, nerdy science girl trope?

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How many of you didn't predict it would be a comet with ice on it ?! (how convenient now they desperately need water...)
I guess I must have watched too much SF to think of it the second the radar went on

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Well, it wasn't HORRIBLE..., but, DAMN, was it PREDICTABLE! @tropolite - Part of the problem is that most of the actors have no SHADING to their delivery, so their delivery of their poorly written lines is just so "on the nose" that at times, it's treading perilously close to being parody. The other problem is that the cast of characters is pretty much "cut and paste" from the "cliché' sci-fi trope file". Now, credit where credit is due, this episode they DID try to give three of the main characters interesting back stories, (one pretty dark) and, another one looks like they're about to go down a path that will lead to them having some (again cliché) issues. TMO Chatty Alicia REALLY needs to take a breath, and STFU on occasion, however since she is on the verge of newly discovered love and all that hormonally goes along with it, the irritation may resolve itself.

All we need now is Lt. Brice to start having chest pains and a seizure while eating dinner, and, we'll have hit a sci-fi three bagger!

In space...., no one can hear you scream..., unless you have working coms....

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This is so bad... I had high hopes, and that was a mistake. I'm done.

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