Victoria mentioned countless times last season that wanted Jane to have her own voice. Now she got fired for not being “Incite”. This whole storyline had so much potential but ended poorly.

Shirt is about to go down between Jacqueline and Cleo and I’m up for that.

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Jacqueline hates Cleo so much LOL

I want so bad for Richard to confide his romantic woes to Jacqueline. I feel like talking to someone he considers a friend would be so cathartic for him. Plus, Jacqueline gives great advice! I mean, she gave Sutton her confidence back!

I wonder if Jane will get her job at Scarlet back.

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Today in our favourite "feminist" show, the Bold Type: How to bash and undermine other women, as women.

I wish Sutton were better able to stand up for herself. Watching her keeping getting defeated without even trying is just so sad.

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