This season gave us and really good content that I've found fun. I've read the novels (even all the no longer canon content that they steal from), and we are getting new content, and this doesn't even change there lore of Boba Fett; if anything it adds to it, showing how he's grown.

I also really appreciate all the Sand People content, similar to The Mandalorian, that show glimpses into their culture WITHOUT revealing too much, or taking away from their mystery ( unlike the last episode of Star Trek Discovery S05E05 when they destroyed the mystery, and with it any intrigue, over the Breen, in a utterly garbage and pointless way... For no reason...).

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You need to watch this after Season 2 and before Season 3 of The Mandelorian. It fills in all the gaps. I think of it as Season 2.5 of The Mandelorian.

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Loved it! I don't get the hate. I mean yes, the Mando episodes are the best part, but that doesn't make the rest bad. The internet is weird, man.

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Well, the interesting episodes didn't contain Boba Fett... so that might be a clue as to my feelings on this series. It wasn't bad per se, but it didn't tell a tale that I specifically needed to know.

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Other than the last couple of episodes, this was not good. Slow, bad action sequences and grampa, in this series referred to as Boba Fett was just terrible. I still don’t get the hype over this guy, 12 seconds of screen time in the whole original trilogy and people love him because he has a cool ship and costume.

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With few change in the first 3 episodes it would have been the season 3 of the Mandalorian !!!

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Just have seen the first three episodes, speaking as a former Star Wars cultist I can say this material is cheap.

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So basically The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 is a prequel to Mandolorian Season 3 or what? :smile:

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Really enjoyable. Also, just love, love, love the baby Yoda. Adorable.

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What can I say about a show that gives the best episodes when the main character doesn't feature in them?
Feels boring and a bad follow up for the Mandalorian until the Mandalorian features in it. I find it strange that they use 2 episodes to build on Mando's story outside the Mandalorian! How do they justify that the kids return is done on a different show when we are waiting for Mando's season 3 after leaving the kid?
It was entertaining because star wars, but without the Mandalorian it would be much worse. Feels like and unneeded show and doesn't build the hype for a following season.

Just a rant, after watching the Jedi having troubles with Cad Bane through all of clone wars, seeing an aging Boba Fett get rid of him in like 20 seconds was simply strange. Either Jedi are idiots and terrible fighters or... something's off. Jango Fett and Boba Fett were bested by Jedi and Cad Bane successfully fended off more than one Jedi at the same time. What gives?

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This show was completely unnecessary. There were two Mandalorian episodes wedged in there that were good, other than that I could have done without this show.

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They should have squeezed the first three episodes in a bottle episode during The Mandalorian season 2 and then they should have used the storyline of the last three episodes as The Mandalorian Christmas Special. Maybe, that way, it wouldn't be boring as shit. Instead, we got the usual, well produced, moderately fun, moderately boring, kinda wasted opportunity we tend to get from Star Wars/MCU TV shows, just a little more boring than usual.

Do not get me wrong: there's some good stuff and some fun stuff in here and I'm kinda fascinated by the idea they are basically making one big "Tatooine Tales" TV Show with different titles in different seasons, but really, this was tolerable only because I decided to watch it while doing laundry.

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As a whole, it's pretty messy. Most of the side stories take up more runtime than the main storyline, and Boba Fett's motivations, wants, and needs are a bit muddled. But it's not boring by any means. It's entertaining on and episode-to-episode basis, but as soon as you step back and look at the bigger picture, this show is disjointed and puzzling.

I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish with this, but if it was an attempt to dive into something more experimental, I guess they succeeded.

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Started okay, but nothing great. If it hadn't been for episodes 5 and 6 (which only had Boba Fett in them for a combined total of like 30 seconds) I'd struggle to recommend that anyone even watch this show. We'd have been better off getting season 3 of The Mandalorian, and then just have the Boba Fett stuff contained to a couple of episodes there.

By the end of this season it was literally just the Mando show. It even ended with Mando and Grogu rather than Boba Fett.

Was happy to see Cad Bane, but also very disappointed that they killed him off so quickly.

6.5/10 (and that's being very generous)

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5 out of 10 for 1st 4 episodes, then episode 5-7 is 9 out of 10. Completely switches with the return if two beloved characters. Can’t wait for The Mandalorian series 3.

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Some good episodes but the pacing of the story felt very off. It doesn't help that the main two standout episodes of the series were episodes of The Mandilorian and had nothing to do with Boba Fett at all.

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The first half of the season was a bit of a drag, but about halfway through the show shifts focus off of Boba Fett and becomes way better.

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Season one of this show was disappointing. There were only two good episodes and those were the two episodes where Boba only played a minor role. The backstory was okayish - the contemporary story boring and silly. Plus, there were too few likeable characters. And those who were likeable were from the Mandalorian show or adorable little service robots. It looks good (except the Vespas) and sounds great (it's like Morricone western scores and Daft Punk's Tron OST had a lovechild) but that's all they were able to accomplish with that mega budget.

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Shout by Deleted

First Star Wars spinoff show (though they're all spinoffs aren't they?) Anyways, as everyone is aware as of now, yes, the best episodes are the ones that are pretty much Mandalorian episodes. I do think Jon Favreau and Robert Rodriguez should've dedicated this whole season to the title character but then again, they knew all of us were begging for the return of Mando and Baby Yoda (even Amy Sedaris hates the name Grogu). Anyways, the first batch of episodes felt like the first season of Angel, just a supplement to the better and original show but nonetheless entertaining. Fett as some criminal lord beginning his empire isn't as appealing as the sci-fi Lone Wolf and Cub. Still, the dynamic between Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen is great! The final episode is pure fan service, but what else do you expect from a Star Wars show at this point. Anyways, fun show and it's a nice precursor for the Obi-Wan, Andor and Mando seasons we'll be getting later this year.

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The best episodes of the show are when Boba doesn't show up. This is sad for this tv show but amazing for Star Wars!

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