A lot to unpack this episode!

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See? Those f*cking flies again!

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The baby laser is the best thing I've seen this year. I burst out laughing!

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Yay, good on Hughie for standing up for gay rights!

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I found it surprising the lack of comments around here mentioning the single most awesome thing to have come out of this show, yet: Butcher holding a super baby and using the little dude as a weapon to inflict massive gory damage upon his attackers. Both totally bonkers and superb!

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This show just keeps getting better. The whole god bit was so accurate.

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The has been a big fly (insect) around the Boys in the last 2 episodes at random times. Wonder what that is about. Another super?

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bro ate the gum gum fruit

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LMAO at the butthurt christians in this comment box

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I love Starlight so much and I just wanna protect her!

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I find this to be the weakest episode so far. Of course, it had its moments. Like the Supe baby being wielded by Billy to kill those people with its laser eyes. The scene with The Deep eating in misery and then saying "shit" once Annie revealed what happened live. I like how he's now the comic relief of the show, pretty much. The Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man of The Boys.

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Not the strongest episode. Starlight's speeches had all the opportunity to play out as culmination of the things Starlight had been through, especially with the backdrop of religious event that she grew up with. But it focused too much on the contrast between Homelander and Starlight, that it ended up a bit dull. I mean, the contrast was drawn in prior episode(s), but it would have been more engaging if they focused only on Starlight. Perhaps I also lacked the context of growing up in religious America.

There is enough tense and revelation, and surely the dynamics between Frenchie and the Female is interesting. Really liked the part towards the end where "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" plays stylistically, like most scenes in The Boys have been so far. But we've seen the other stuff before (in prior episodes), so it kinda feels like a bit repetitive, if not a filler.

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Shout by DmCasper

This episode took the speed a little bit down and focus on the relationship (ok, sort of) between Hughie and starlight, soooooo sweet! Starlight finally rebelled against her mother!

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I have little use for evangelicals, but I have no desire to be preached at by "enlightened" Hollywood writers, either. That's not what I call entertainment. Oh, and I'll be looking forward to the episode where Islam gets this same treatment. Oh, wait. That will never, ever happen for some reason.

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Hilarious and sad that all the christian plot was SO on point

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Whoever wrote this episode has never talked to a Christian a single day in their life, Good lord above.

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"let's dunk on the Protestants haha. How do they know anything anyway lol"

Pedo-Hollywood doing their stupid crap as usual

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This is the "We don't what we're talking about, but we're going to do an entire show based on the same old, tired and inaccurate talking points."

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I have no idea how a show can get this good and entertaining. 10/10

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Frenchie foreshadowed perfectly the ray-eyes baby by saying that, just like a weapon, Butch points him at what he wants and shoots when he was talking to the Female who he ordered him to leave her.

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Shout by vanesa
BlockedParent2023-12-12T19:44:00Z— updated 2023-12-15T01:53:31Z

Best episode so far but the fight scenes could be edited better

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Shout by zachbrownies
BlockedParent2022-12-28T06:31:39Z— updated 2022-12-29T07:46:09Z

why would ezekiel even do the gay stuff in his normal body anyway...? can't he shift into anyone? seems dangerous, and like anyone could've easily tried to blackmail him before.

edit: ohhhhhh whoops i thought ezekiel was the body-changer. i thought when he got stretchy it was because he could do anything with his body. nvvvvmm.

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  • Bruh, A-Train, you bi—
  • Okay, Frenchie, you enjoy your cooking
  • Maeve is having flashbacks :|
  • Lol, butcher- Hughie still feeling guilty
  • Who went missing for 8 years?
  • Oh, his wife...- Bruh, Hughie faking it, damn
  • Bruh, Butcher removing that tombstone

Man: "Hey!"Butcher: "Cool your jets, guv. It's not a hate crime."

  • Maeve screwed up her personal life too, huh?

Donna: "Honey. I've waited 23 years for this."

  • Good god- Starlight gonna ruin her mother's dream :O

Starlight: "I'm done pretending, and I'm done taking any more shit."

  • Good on you Starlight :D
  • Lol, Hughie is the only one who clapped
  • He's using the baby supe as a weapon! Omg!
  • What is this CEO on? Like, bruh
  • Ew, Homelander's got that mummy complex
  • Frenchie saved by the Female :)
  • Karen is Wolverine :O
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Why was starlight allowed to wear her lovely first outfit again for this when they were so adamant about her wearing the new one just recently? :thinking:

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Como a todas las series, a esta le están sobrando como 5 episodios de relleno.
¿En qué momento A. Train se convierte en una persona sensible? No veo la hora de que lo eliminen.

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Wow, You are a miracle

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As much as it can in this genre this episode hits home with the drama. Keeping it real. Love it.

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Good episode it was a little long with starlights speech, all together it had the kill factor on par.

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