My god, what a bore fest this first episode was!
I wanted to switch it if in the first 15mins but some how managed to force myself to watch the whole episode.
The dialogue is boring and delivered in as monotone a way as possible, everyone moves at half speed and there’s no sense of tension or urgency!
I found myself laughing at the end of the episode, after two locals step on animal traps in the woods the police continue on alone, just strolling through the woods.
But then the police dog starts to bark and they all start running trough the thick bracken without a care in the world…… lol
I will give the 2nd episode a go, but it has 30mins to get hold of me and before I switch it off!

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I remember Harry Treadaway from his role as Victor Frankenstein on Penny Dreadful. He had some very interesting relationships with corpses, so I thought I'd check his forensic skills out.

Looks interesting, I'll move forward from here and see how things turn out.

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