So that's what happened to Connor Roy's business reputation. Making decisions based on bad music.

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The episode's title, "Old White Men", refers to senior executives of Walgreens, getting swindled by Elizabeth and Sunny. All the warning signs were there, but their fear of missing out and stupidity win over common sense and logic.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth sells her soul, digging deeper into the point of no return, as she chooses her company's short-term financial survival over long-term success and reputation.

It is often painful to watch this episode, knowing full well that her jurors recently found her guilty on only lesser charges.

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What an accurate episode title. Way too much screen time spent on old white men.

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I’m not sure how true to reality the Walgreens characters are, but they carried this episode. Hilarious!

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I’m really enjoying this - great acting :performing_arts: gripping characters and story line

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