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  • 2011-01-10T05:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 25m
  • United States
  • Comedy, Special Interest
In this Excellent Adventure, Gootecks and Mike Ross reminiscence about their early years on the Interwebs and fondly remember their teenage antics on a famous ISP by the name of AOL (America Online)! Also, Gootecks tells you why consoles make a Street Fighter player weak, and Mike Ross explains why he may not be allowed to use Blanka on Excellent Adventures ever again! This episode is sure to fly over the heads of at least 80% of our viewers! 1. AlukardNY (Juri) vs. Mike Ross (Blanka) 2. POOPINGoutLOUD (Guy) vs. Gootecks (Rose) 3. SOL CiTy KinG (Fei Long) vs. Mike Ross (Blanka) 4. SOL CiTy KinG (Fei Long) vs. Gootecks (Rose)