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The Expanse: Season 3

3x04 Reload

Well, so much for Mao becoming more humane. This show is making me hate characters with a passion. First Errinwright, now that Martian crew… people are really frustrating. Hopefully now that Ana has gotten the message from Avasarala we’ll see some changes. I doubt it will be that easy tho.

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Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-07-13T21:22:38Z— updated 2021-07-14T21:32:01Z

"Shit, did I miss it?" Man, those stupid Martian kids where really lucky...

"Disassembly reveals useful pathways." Oof... I was confused why Mei would be that shocked/afraid of Katoa's "blue face" but damn! Poor Mei must've been traumatized by that (at least I think that I'd be) :o

PS: Agatha King is my favorite ship name so far.

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If I hear that girl say Katoa one more time...

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Pip AND Zeph in the same scenes!! Talk about great casting!

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"Shit. Did I miss it?"

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"You were right to continue"

And here I thought you were NOT gonna continue the project.

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Two actors from Killjoys in the same episode? One hell of a coincidence! I guess once you get into sci-fi shows, as an actor, you somehow end up going through them all.

And I really hope Anna will now finally be able to take that despicable Littlefinger wannabe off the grid.

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Shout by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-15T04:13:19Z— updated 2018-10-27T01:25:32Z

Finally Holden, Avasarala and Drapper are working together to stop Earth and Mars from destroying the human race and their respective planets. And it's everything I could have hoped for. Avasarala is politician in the truest sense, she knows how to use her words to get to peoples' hearts, and here she has reached directly into Holden and has given him a reason to hope for a great future for humanity, maybe even a glimpse of salvation.

It feels like Rev. Ava is the wildcard we needed to finally get the UN to do the right thing, cause Erinwright is a piece of shit bastard.

It's interesting to see Mao with Mae, seeing what he would have been like with Julie before she started seeing her father for who hen really was and the rebellion agianst him started.

ProtoKatoa is both fascinating and scary. These scientist are playing with fire and they might just burn the system down in their quest for knowledge. Can he communicate with the rest of the protomolecule? What is their final purpose? Exploring the rest of the galaxy?

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"Those ships will no longer need the pieces", you have to think before you act and not get carried away

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I had to pause the episode so I can write this comment, the speech is amazing really, I kinda felt the rhythm

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Now that was a fun U-turn! I was beginning to worry about where they were going with this humanizing arc for Jules-Pierre.

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I envy those who binge watch these, I cant deal waiting weekly, its just too good.

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