Shout by Bestivus

"...it reaches out it reaches out it reaches out it reaches out - 113 times a second, nothing answers and it reaches out. It is not conscious, though parts of it are. There are structures within it that were once separate organisms; aboriginal, evolved, and complex. It is designed to improvise, to use what is there and then move on. Good enough is good enough, and so the artifacts are ignored or adapted. The conscious parts try to make sense of the reaching out. Try to interpret it."

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That cover picture is me when I think about the fact that this show ever got cancelled.

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No Way!... Can you believe that Awesome, Freaking Ending?... I was literary on the edge of my seat,... Freaking Awesome!

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No freaking way, they didn't end the episode like this! How the hell are we gonna wait for the next episode now? The ending is absolutely brilliant.

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That was quite some action, especially at the end. It's kinda fun to see some scenes from the perspective of the drones that film for the documentary.

I have no idea yet what Cohen and Melba Koh are trying to achieve.

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Thanks god this show is prolonged to another season! phew!

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Goddamn that ending.... They sure know how to keep us in suspense until the next episode :O

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“If you go into a room too fast, kid, the room eats you.”

Amazing! This series gets better by the episode, I'm massively excited how they're gonna present all the crazy stuff from the books that's coming up!

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What a great end of this episode - burnin’ up to see the next one!

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Okay, my only problem with the second half of this season so far is the documentary people. They take a great episode and bring it down, I honestly just can’t stand them. I hope they don’t stick around for too long, but after that ending it feels like wishful thinking. Regardless, I’m enjoying the plot progression.

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Shout by Deleted

They know how to create a cliffhanger, that's for sure.

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Fuck that documentary icons are really really annoying.

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Shout by Emilie

Too much Holden, too much Miller. I can't watch this awful show anymore.

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Unfortunately this show is going down the same drain as the books and turning into a rubbish bla bla show with way to much treason, subversion and political bullshit. And what a predictable and crappy cliffhanger!

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In stable orbit, beyond UrAnUs.

Jokes aside... WTF JUST HAPPENED?? I think Miller or what's left of him (conscience of him absorbed by the Protomolecule maybe??) somehow communicated with Holden via the blue goo inside the Roci? It is definitely NOT Holden's hallucination as Miller was wearing his old hat which none of the main cast knew about.

Holy fk!

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Shout by Ward

Just when i had praised this show for rising to some good heights with the closing of the second arc, it then falls flat with 2 episodes into the start of this new arc. A boring documentary crew storyline, stupid behavior from the Roci crew, annoying characters like the speechwriter (who shouldn't even be there). Decent plot on the behemoth ship (i miss Johnson, and Chrisjen, and Draper, and the botanist). Then this stupid Holden and OPA frame plot, along with semi-interesting "mysterious" ramblings from Miller.

I know who the character is who blew up the ship and framed Holden, and it's stupid who it is.

For the beginning of the third book and this arc, it's not a good start.

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Shout by Darrem

I hated this episode, I barely managed to finish it, these assholes with the camera were so annoying.

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It's is simply amazing what they can pull off just in 42 minutes. That last 11 minutes was everything I didn't even dare to dream.

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This whole episode was so erractic and brilliant at the same time! Best one of the season yet!

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