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The Expanse: Season 6

6x05 Why We Fight

There better be a 2 hour series finale!

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What Does it mean to be in substrate?

OHHHH NO. Amazon you can't be teasing awesome protomolecule goodness with only ONE episode left :(
that's just mean...... There is so much story left to tell in this universe. I pray they give it a good send off. They just did what felt like setup for an entire SEASON worth at least, and now its over.- - - what a waste Amazon.... I hope someone else buys the rights or something

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Camina: "F*ck you, you self-righteous shit."

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I really can't figure out how they will address so much missing in just one episode...

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...aaaand just when we invested in the kid's story, splendid penultimate episode otherwise.
I'm not sure there are many who don't love Camina Drummer (and Cara Gee) at this point. The character has always been powerful, but Gee's consistent top notch performances, especially when she's just playing the moments in silence... phenomenal!!

Finalé alt title:
"Destruction of Barriers"
(...of personal relationships, socio-political, and the ring itself)

We know what's going to happen, we just don't know how. I'm fine with them leaving some things to the imagination, just hope it's not a patchwork quilt.

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"There is no price for the best victim" - Message or slipup?

Also: 1 Episode left... - looks like they basically cut the entire book but the main main story. Disappointing!

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Release date here for some reason is off by 1 day

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Yay because of Drummer, yay for Marco's lieutenant (really, she's a hundred times more competent and likeable leader than him, AND she's not boring), nay because of the washed up D story of the little girl who resurrected her own baby brother and how invested I actually was in that storyline. Don't give me hope anything happens there in the final that wouldn't make me think the whole Laconia fragments should have been left out of this season as they are.

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Naomi with the least convincing speech of all time, somehow manages to move heaven and earth because of her immaculate plot armor.

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I mean my God

Drummer is such a BADASS and that scene with Naomi was emotional as F***

still I don't see how there's only 1 episode left!! the story isn't even close to finishing

I'm afraid they'll rush everything in just 1 episode and give ass half-arsed conclusion

we'll see what happens fingers crossed

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How is this show gonna end in 1 more episode? Nothing literally happened yet!

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Such perfect, powerful ending to this episode.
Love the political view of each faction,
it's great setup for the next episodes.

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♪ I don't want to be buried in a pet sematary ♪

♪ I don't want to live my life again ♪

I know they'd never use it but I'd forgive them if they did. :joy:

I have no idea how it will wrap up but I'm looking forward to it.

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Again with the damn random kid story. Wtf.

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Who else lost their shit when Avasarala said in her beautiful accent "I have given your people many reasons to hate me, but none, to think I'm a lawyer"?

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I dont like this redemption arc of Clarissa, I get it shes actually not such a bad person, it's clear since the end of the third season, but shes also a mass murderer I dont think that should be overlooked.

They actually trying the same thing with Filip, but unlike Clarissa he seems not really to feel remorse, but you never know cause hes eclectic af. One moment you think he is reasonable and empathetic in the next hes a killer and a spoiled brat.. One moment you now he stands up to his father but in the next hes again the little child. I know they tryin to show us how hes torn between his father, mother and everything but it's way to random and now well written imo.. And hes also a mass murderer so I dont think he deserves a redemtion arc either.

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One thing this show really doesnt know how to do are reunions.. Like wtf was that between Drummer and Naomi?

And I think the talk between Drummer and Avasarala was way to short and superficial, pretty sure the Belters had alot of conditions to talk about..

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6 episodes total for this season, pathetic ! Hopefully that Nuclear Missile is still under Tadoes bed, I'm thinking that if Holden gets a chance he can explode it. My 2 cents.

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