I did like this episode, but they did kind of just gloss over the most difficult and major problem of the entire episode, making it vanish, just like that.

Boom, Barry suddenly recovers completely, and conveniently has no memory of the psychological effects of long-term isolation. I'm not complaining that he suddenly recovered to save Iris, but that he completely recovered, after saving Iris, for no reason, whatsoever.

I like his augmented powers, but not the basically skipped plot.

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Terrible. Just terrible. Writers of the show need to put more effort in their writing. We're not five year olds, for god's sake.

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They resolve things too quickly. Wanted to see more gibberish Barry and Caitlyns pimp.

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Shout by Brandon Pollard

So, who had 17 minutes in the "how long can they go without Barry in the show" pool?

Seriously. Only 17 minutes?! Are the writers really that scared that no one will watch without Barry? Seeing the team struggle without him for at least a few episodes would have been much more interesting. Instead we get that all happening off screen. Super disappointing.

And then they bring him back as not all there anymore, which also has the potential to be really interesting, but they can't manage to bring themselves to not resolve it by the end of the first episode. And they resolve it how? With the power of love? GIve me a break. Here's hoping the rest of the the season isn't this risk averse...

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I wish they would've kept Beautiful Mind Barry for a while longer rather than that completely ridiculous, lame beyond words cop out. This is supposed to be a show about superheros! What's up with all the mushy crap?
It would be SO much better if we could go back to the Original Team Flash. Just Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Wells (I'd be willing to take any Wells). Everyone else is just filler and boring side plots.

And I'm so over Iris. Every time she comes on screen she annoys the crap out of me. She's not even a character anymore. Just problem that always needs solving. And I'm so tired of that. Go back to being a journalist Iris, you have no place among the scientists and superheroes.

I feel like all the gibberish Barry was sprouting has something to do with him being witness to (or maybe living in) alternate realities while he was in the speedforce. That'd be cool.

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bet your ass that's not Barry. I don't buy that BS of being "fine" and not remembering anything. At least I don't think the writers are that dumb, or maybe they are? Well, fuck.

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Yep, Cisco can solve everything

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New bad of the season, hopefully not a runner

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Good beginning, I really wanna know what was going on with Barry when he first got back though. What was he writing?

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So Julians just gone now huh?

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Iris, why?
im really tired of her.

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He's gone FOREVER! Oh never mind they magicked him back
And then they proceed to mope all over the episode until Barry just magics himself right.

The definition of meh.

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Like many others, I had fun watching the return of Team Kid Flash-- no, Team Vibe-- no, Team... oh, nevermind.


Barry's return and recovery really should have taken at least three episodes. This way it feels much too... simple. Disrespected, even.

It took an entire season to figure out and defeat Savitar, but just toss one Samaroid into the city and--poof--Cisco extracts scatter-brained Barry and Iris puts herself in immediate danger and--poof--Barry quickly descatters and saves her. Clearly, Barry's six months in Speed Force Prison was a piece of cake compares to the Savitar Crisis...

I hope, at least, that we haven't simply poofed all the effects of the six-month Speed Force Solitary away like that, that we'll be seeing interesting effects pop up for awhile. Even if they have to be prodded along by our new Thinker...

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Nice to see the band is (mostly) back together.

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Something must been wrong, it is just to perfect

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Yeah, team, don't bother looking into what brought Barry into that state before he was magically cured by the power of love. He's all good now, right? It's not that's it's going to affect what happens next in the season, RIGHT?

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Best season premiere I have ever seen, the new suit is amazing and we finally got what we wanted after seeing all the villains get the best suits, now is the time for The Flash to shine. And without giving away anything, I will say this: This is a perfect beginning to the story for season 6. It had been so long that I had been waiting, and while waiting I've been watching many movies but none of them were as amazing as this one episode, which has proved me how I missed great tv shows like The Flash because they are way better than most movies today.

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come onn dude, this episode is good but i dont like when joe say "iris is in dangers" then the flash reborn WHATTTTT?

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Shout by Deleted

Oh, come on, this is ridiculous. In the first episode ??! Just like that? The plotforce is strong, now isn't it.

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HORRIBLE... He just is fine... Poof Jesus... get better writers.

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Shout by Deleted

They keep destroying the series! Its the same shitty quality of episodes as last season! They make the flash go fast or slow only when the plot needs! Iris is still a crybaby and everyone else are just support characters! Keep up the shitty work CW you destroyed a great series

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Omg! What an episode. Highlight of The FLASH

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