I wish they would've kept Beautiful Mind Barry for a while longer rather than that completely ridiculous, lame beyond words cop out. This is supposed to be a show about superheros! What's up with all the mushy crap?
It would be SO much better if we could go back to the Original Team Flash. Just Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Wells (I'd be willing to take any Wells). Everyone else is just filler and boring side plots.

And I'm so over Iris. Every time she comes on screen she annoys the crap out of me. She's not even a character anymore. Just problem that always needs solving. And I'm so tired of that. Go back to being a journalist Iris, you have no place among the scientists and superheroes.

I feel like all the gibberish Barry was sprouting has something to do with him being witness to (or maybe living in) alternate realities while he was in the speedforce. That'd be cool.

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Alternate realities, or a wide range of time...
