Wow... This is actually one of the few episodes that gave me "the feels".
Like at the moment when Frost got sentenced or the moment when Nora started to get bitchy .
Now I just read in one of the comments down below that Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon) will leave the show. Thanks for spoiling that piece.
It would be a pain to see him leave but I still like this show so I surely hope it will continue for a while.

I love the way Joe West says you should always do a reality check and see if you are still on the right side of the line. People could use a bit more patients to think over what they are doing/saying and how that effects others. Such a wise men! :sweat_smile:

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Omg I cannot believe that I just found out they fired Hartley sawyer! And for tweets he did so long ago!! That angers me so much I cannot believe that. And the fact that we lost a WHOLE plot line because of it!! He never comes back to the show and we never get to see him again because of it. I can’t believe this honestly, especially after this episode and being ALL about justice and crap… that makes me so mad.

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I don't think there is anything to be learned from this's just effed up. I'm giving this a seven only because I'm invested, and could feel it when they were going through that effed up isht. (Hear that writers? You all get a two or three.)

Comic book universes tend to lock People up and throw away the key, instead of acknowledging Restorative Justice, and rehabilitation as viable. And, judges, IRL, are often complicit to miscarriages of justice (IE: "There's enough law to go around when someone deserves to be punished").

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CW fired Hartley Sawyer after 10 year old tweets (which he apologised) and then makes an episode about an unjust punishment for a character past crimes. Enough said

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This show will be even more unwatchable when Cisco leaves. This should have been the last season.
Especially since I never cared about what Barry was up to in this episode. I cared about Killer Frost’s fate more.
Even though this story is pretty silly as well with Caitlin and Killer Frost two different people now.

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Some very disturbing parallels going on here.

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I can't believe Barry wasn't even in the courtroom while Frost's hearing, the writers are smoking some serious shit. And the fact that Frost got punished for something she did in the past while they removed Hartley (Ralph) for saying something in the past, great justice system. Also I may be wrong but I don't think any court would allow a form of punishment (in this case the cure) if they knew it could kill the person. If they had just said that in the court they wouldn't be going through all this shit with Frost. In the last episode I was genuinely interested in this storyline for Frost even tho it was filler but this episode just ruined it. And looks like the Speed Force is all bitchy now.

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This was a really bad episode!

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Filler episode thats been milked over 2 parts. Skippable.

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Boy, I hope this is the last season. it's getting tiring to watch.

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Cringe gets cringier. Making one of my most favourite heroes into a joke, and continuing to do that on a weekly basis is no easy task. Kudos to the writers.

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One would have thought that Barry or The Flash and Iris would have at least been there in the courtroom to give support to Frost but I guess the crappy writers couldn't see that it should matter.

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Shout by Timekeeper
BlockedParent2021-05-12T06:47:58Z— updated 2021-08-19T23:12:24Z

Grant Gustin seems to be phoning in his parts. Seems like he has no enthusiasm for this season and he usually has the most personality on the show. I wouldn't blame him if it has to do with poor script writing do to the coronavirus. I hope it gets better for them, or maybe some of the cast are just ready to call it quites after 7 seasons.

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Those were some awfully long 20 seconds in the police precinct.

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Ciskos face in the courtroom when they took her away made me laugh… looked so ridiculous. Also I hate the bad womans „acting“….

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At least the writers got Kramer's role right...a female who got hurt by some guy and now is a bitch to the world because of it.

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Fuck this show. It gets worst every season.

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