Literally the best of the first 3 episodes. I love the new rogues but why bring Bat-Woman into the show like this? No thanks.

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I really hate that they did that to mark. I get that he was a bad guy and only ever really changed for Frost but I mean you can tell he wants to do right by her and also that he isn’t a HORRIBLE guy so it’s kinda sad seeing that:sob:

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that 'I am vengeance' dailogue at the end made me laugh a lot. :joy:

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I think Barry would have done anything to bring Iris back. If she never came back when she died last season. So he can only blame himself for Mark turning bad.
He could have helped him bring Killer Frost back. Only his love life matters. Otherwise this episode was sort of fun.

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It was going fun so far but Red Death being Batwoman is just confusing. I know how Red Death goes in the comics. So, why the heck is Batwoman Red Death lol. It's out of place. Shame.

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The Red Death is Batwoman.
Okay I am done. This is just beyond trashy. Got super excited for Bruce Wayne to come, but this is just total bs. I am glad this is the last season. It deserves to be put out of its misery.

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I can’t believe they’re doing this lol. This was perhaps the worst episode in the entirety of the show. The only reason I’m still watching is because I want to see this train wreck hit the station and make sure it retires for good.

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By the end of the series, everyone will know Barry is the Flash. SMH

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Definitely a joke lol, the show went well with the negative speedforce lore but come on, red death is that person? Feels very forced.

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Yeaaa this isn't going to be good at all.

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Hartley, Goldface and Jaco are un expected fun trio. I really like these three!

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Shout by Martim

  • Okay, so what do we do now?
  • We find this new speedster and we stop him.

Wow thanks Barry, so insightful! I was starting to wonder where we were supposed to go from here. I’m so glad we can count on him to point us to the right direction!

It’s been a rocky road to get this far but definitely worth it when you get both Pied Piper and the Hotness teaming up to fight the bad guys! I wasn’t surprised about Blaine being a double agent. The audacity Barry and Hartley had in the first place to ask him for help after the crap move the pulled when all he wanted was Frost back.

Of course Batwoman was brainwashed somehow to become the bad guy, we’ve been here a million times before but regardless, it’s great to revisit the character (can we get Alice too??).

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The plan was stupid from the beginning. Did they really think that that stealing the engine from a high sec facility and bringing to S.T.A.R labs (where it's much easier to steal) was a good idea?

In addition, seeing how difficult it could be for the villain to steal it, didn't they think it was part of her plan all along? It's not like this the first time that the plan of the bad guy was for the heroes to steal something for him and then take it from them.

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Isn't this supposed to spell Rogues of War? :sweat_smile:

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