That last scene. Daaaaang! One of the best eps.

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This episode had me emotional, probably because it hit close to home. Really good episode, just gives you another reason to love Uncle Phil.

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This is one of the best episodes, hands-down, maybe of any comedy show I've ever seen.

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Really hit me hard this episode

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Wow, this is one of the most emotional episodes I have ever watched. for the last minutes during Wills Monologue I cried the whole time. Such a sad episode, but it was great. it was perfect. Just Great.

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This episode is still great and enormously affecting. Smith and Avery are both excellent, and that final shot is very powerful.

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Second serious episode in a row. Excellent. Phil is great. What happened to his real dad? Did Will become a true family member? Is Phil a true ersatz dad? Does he love Will like a real son? These were always questions that needed to be discussed.

It also has a wider social dimension: the decline of black nuclear family structures is theorized to be one factor contributing to social inequality in the U. S.

The end is almost heart breaking. It's perhaps one of the best episodes of this show. Under this thin clownish veneer there's a vulnerable person!

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Seen this lots of times since 1994. gets me every time.

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