Again, I'm short on time, so, I'll be brief: This was an awesome whodunit; the kind they don't make anymore. Nancy herself was likable and brilliant, not to mention cute. Add to that the old-school charm, and, this was definitely a winner.

(Content Concerns: Mild flirting; mild action, including two scenes where a main character's life is put in danger; two usages of "gosh"; Nancy's dad smokes a pipe.)

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This was a much stronger opening than "The Mystery of the Haaunted House" was for the Hardy Boys end of this show. The story here was very strong and Nancy's inquisitive style works well with her skepticism of ghosts and resistance to the professor's charms. I wonder how much of the backstory with the prof having jumped out of an airplane with two million dollars is tied to the D.B. Cooper legend from 1971? The cinematography here is actually fairly well done with some beautiful coastal scenes and attemps at underwater caves. I already don't like the Ned character after 50 minutes. He is awful.

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