Personal Lists featuring...

The Haunting of Hill House 2018


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I have already watched.

  1. Breaking bad

  2. The Walking Dead

  3. Game of Thrones

  4. The Shield

  5. The Sopranos

  6. Sherlock

  7. True Detective

  8. Sons of Anarchy

  9. Dexter

  10. Hannibal

  11. Better call Saul

  12. The Mandalorian

  13. Dark

  14. Fargo

  15. Oz

  16. Stranger Things

  17. Six Feet Under

  18. Deadwood

  19. House of Cards

  20. Mr. Robot

    1. Westworld
  21. Justified

  22. Boardwalk Empire

  23. Rome

  24. Mad Men


TV shows I want to watch...


Last update on May 9 21:07:00 CEST 2021
At least 5000 votes

Arrested Development (season 4 and 5) | Black Mirror (season 3, 4 and 5) | Trailer Park Boys (seasons 8, 9, 10 and 11) | The Last Kingdom (season 2) | Longmire (seasons 4 and 5) | The Killing (season 4) | Lovesick (season 2) | DreamWorks Dragons (seasons 3, 4, 5 and 6) | Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (seasons 10 and 11) | Lucifer (season 4)


TV Shows currently available with Dolby Vision feature. I'll be adding more as new ones get released, from time to time.


I always find it hard to recommend TV shows. While some are no brainers, many have inconsistencies across their seasons. While I vastly tried to choose shows that were good from start to finish, there are some exceptions. I've provided a list of the exceptions below.

American Horror Story: Seasons 1-4 are best. Season 8 is good. Seasons 5, 6 & 8 are solid. Skip seasons 7, 10 & 11.
Boardwalk Empire: Seasons 4 & 5 closed well. The first 75% of those seasons were lower quality.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 8 was bad.
Community: Quality steadily drops after Season 3.
Dexter: Quality steadily drops after Season 5.
Dr Who: S1 is good. S2, S3 & S4 are best. S5-S6 are good. S7-S8 are bad. S9-10 are ok. S11-S13 are average.
Happy!: Season 2 was a dip in quality.
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: S1-2 are great. S3 was ok. S4 was bad. S5 was great.
Master of None: Season 3 is unwatchable.
Modern Family: Quality dip after Season 6.
Not Going Out: Quality dips a little after Season 8.
Office: Slight quality dip after Season 7.
Red Dwarf: Season 7 doesn't have a laugh track. Only bad season.
Shameless (US): Quality steadily drops around Season 8.
That 70's Show: Season 8 was not great.
True Detective: Season 1 deserves this list. Season 3 is worth watching. Season 2 is moderate.
Two and a Half Men: Stop watching after Season 8.
Walking Dead: Season 1-4 + Seasons 7-8. Grit and bear through Seasons 5-6. Stop after Season 8.
X-Files: Quality starts to dip around Season 7. Completely skip Seasons 10-11.


TV shows I intend to watch at some point when I have time.

Ranked by IMDb rating.

Last Updated: June 16, 2024


All classic movies/TV I love that include monsters, big hairy monsters, occult, witch craft, and medieval movies that include dragons and stuff. What a nice feeling to be able to share all my childhood memories with other fans of classic movies and TV shows! How wonderful it is to even have a digital platform to do so! Keep in mind that I am new, and I'm still building my lists. So follow if you'd like.


Every show available on Netflix


Use this list to watch TV Shows with complex storylines, strategic thinking, and a blend of science fiction and action-adventure themes. Use iTunes, etc, to find related content. Common Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery & Thriller, Science-Fiction, Political, War & Military. Common Themes: Artificial Intelligence, Post-Apocalyptic, Futuristic, Escape, Cerebral, Dark Comedy, Complex, Questioning, Reality Bending, Non-Linear, Time Travel, Technological, Visually Stimulating, Superhuman, Supernatural, Suspense, Psychological, Space, Spy, Moral Philosophy.


Some of these I've seen, and some I've added because tumblr followers said they had wlw characters. Sorted by release dates.


Horror movies and series I plan to watch or would recommend.

"What usually makes a horror sequence scary is the journey not the destination."
- James Wan


Writer and/or Director


All the movies from Shudder's - The 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time

  1. It Follows - opening Scene

  2. The Orphanage - kids counting game

  3. Salem's Lot - scratching at the glass

  4. Horror of Dracula - face close up

  5. Black Sabbath - a drop of water

  6. Pulse (Kaito) - the long hallway

  7. The Strangers - why are you doing this to us?

  8. The Wolf Man - transformation

  9. Cat People - swimming pool

  10. The Birds - bird's eye view

  11. Mulholland Dr. - Winkie's dumpster

  12. Child's Play - no batteries

  13. An American Werewolf in London - double dream

  14. Us - family outside

  15. The Witch - old lady hand

  16. Zombie - eyeball

  17. The Changeling - ball on the stairs

  18. The Phantom of the Opera(1925) - removing the mask

  19. The Brood - body reveal

  20. A Tale of Two Sisters - kitchen hand

  21. Demons - movie screen

  22. Dr. Sleep - first harvest

  23. Candyman - bees in the mouth

  24. Invasion of the Body Snatchers - finger point

  25. The Evil Dead - guessing cards

  26. Dawn of the Dead(2004) - neighbor's kid

  27. Annihilation - that fucking bear

  28. Cujo - in the car

  29. The Fly - arm wrestling

  30. The Wicker Man - the burning

  31. Nosferatu - stair shadow

  32. The Night House - finding the bodies

  33. Aliens - infirmary face hugger

  34. The Babadook - first appearance

  35. The Last House on the Left - the killings

  36. Terrified - the boy comes back

  37. Friday the 13th - the canoe

  38. Dawn of the Dead(1978) - 1st bite

  39. Peeping Tom - ending

  40. A Quiet Place - noisy rocket

  41. The Autopsy of Jane Doe - tattoos inside

  42. Phantasm - sphere

  43. Ju-on: The Grudge - under the sheets

  44. When a Stranger Calls - call is inside the house

  45. Black Christmas - rocking chair

  46. Jacob's Ladder - dance scene

  47. Threads - baby

  48. The Howling - filing cabinet

  49. Gerald's Game - degloving

  50. Misery - ankle breaker

  51. Frankenstein (1931) - first look

  52. A Nightmare on Elm Street - classroom body bag

  53. A Bay of Blood - impaled in bed

  54. The Conjuring - hide and clap

  55. Get Out - hypnotized

  56. Twin Peaks part 8 - squish the DJ

  57. Pan's Labyrinth - the pale man

  58. Rosemary's Baby - dream sequence

  59. Inside - hiding in the bathroom

  60. Se7en - he's alive

  61. Zodiac - couple by the lake

  62. 28 Days Later - Frank turns

  63. 30 Days of Night - killing spree

  64. The Silence of the Lambs - wrong house

  65. Suspiria (1977) - razor wire

  66. The Blair Witch Project - the ending

  67. Paranormal Activity - standing by the bed

  68. The 6th Sense - in the tent

  69. Let the Right One in - the pool

  70. The Invisible Man - the restaurant

  71. Wait Until Dark - jumps out of the dark

  72. Don't Breathe - Turkey Baster

  73. Hostel - the drill

  74. Lake Mungo - cell phone

  75. The Haunting of Hill House - bent neck realisation

  76. It: Chapter One - Pennywise in the drain

  77. I Saw the Devil - opening scene

  78. Hellraiser - Jesus wept

  79. The Decent-First creature seen

  80. Saw- Ending scene, seeing Jigsaw alive

  81. Scanners- Exploding heads

  82. [REC]- Ending scenes, night vision

  83. Carrie- Prom scene and ending with hand popping out of the grave

  84. The Omen- Decapitation by glass

  85. Night of the Living Dead- Child is a Ghoul, killing her mother and ending scene.

  86. The Exorcist 3- Nurse in the hallway

  87. Final Destination 2- Highway sequence (the premonition)

  88. Jaws-The girl night swim attack

  89. Scream- Drew Barrymore phone scene

  90. Halloween- Realizing Michael can not be killed

  91. Alien- Chest bursting

  92. Ringu- Ending scene, girl comes out of the tv

  93. Train to Busan- Piles of zombies

  94. Sinister- Lawn mower

  95. The Exorcist- Master-bating with the cross

  96. The Shining- Jack coming after Wendy

  97. Psycho- Revealing the killer at a high angle

  98. Audition- Acupuncture needles (last 30 minutes)

  99. Hereditary- Head decapitation of Charlie and Toni Collette floating in the corner

  100. The Thing- The revival, arms torn off and head turning into a spider creature

  101. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)- Leatherface puts Pam on the meat hook and Sally at the end of the movie.


Recently, I wrote 100 essays totaling 260,000+ words about my 100 favorite shows ever made! You can find all of them here:
