Shout by acidfreecookies

everyone in this show has the same face

it's really disorienting

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All Gold
It nearly lost
Me on them first four
episodes but I am so
glad I pushed on through
because from episode 4
onwards this show
0 to Frickin Awesome
and stayed there literally
in the space of an episode.
The writing and the quality
of this show is on a
Different Level.
Phenomenal Performances
All round this show is
something Very very
Special indeed
and I am absolutely Stoked
and super ready to
Rewatch and experience
it all over again,
It's just that damn good.
Hella Yeah

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A deep and thrilling story that gives you goosebumps pretty often but does not rely on cheap jumpscares.

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A gripping psychological thriller and family drama that drops the ball in the last 3 episodes, especially in the season finale.

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Shout by Chris

“Fear and guilt are sisters.”
- Trish

Took a few episodes to get my full attention, but once it did the binge was on. This was a slow creepy build to a dramatic conclusion. Lots of unsettling moments and enjoyable ghost spotting.


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over all "meh" some really cool ideas, drawing out with way too much drama. maybe my definition of horror is just different, felt like a pretty big let down at the end very transparent

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My favorite kind of shows are the ones where the only way to watch it is to give it your full attention, otherwise you'll miss so much because it's so smartly written. This definitely was one of them. Didn't expect it to be such a character driven story, every single one is unique and individual in a well rounded way. Incredible cinematography, intelligent dialogue, and extremely talented cast both young and old. The horror factor is only the icing on a really entertaining and well done cake. So many of what happens in the season stays and lingers at the back of your brain long after you've watched it because it's so emotionally traumatising. 100% would recommend.

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A must watch if you are a horror fan. it doesn't have jump scares like movies but it's creepy, twisted and utterly gripping. though it may seem slow sometimes but you won't be bored. the simultaneous execution of past and present will keep you engaged about the characters. also don't skip any scene, otherwise you may not understand something later as they're brilliantly connected with one another. after The Exorcist, this is another horror tv show i can recommend to others. hope there's a second season.

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That was brutal! For the first time in like 20 years I got scared with a horror story, and I'm also emotionally drained. The dialogue is another thing I loved! It felt very raw and helped perceived that world as real.

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A great series with some terrific visuals and scares, it's just a real shame that they didn't quite stick the finale for me. The last half of episode 10 seemed to tonally shift in the wrong direction and I don't think it capitalised enough on the malevolent events and creepy spirits it had shown throughout the first 9 episodes, which were all excellent in my opinion. Always a shame when the payoff doesn't meet the build up and I feel that's what happened here, even though I thoroughly enjoyed it overall.

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