literally fuck me UP honestly oh my GOD

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This show is really good

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So far this is my favorite episode and Theo is my favorite character.
She has a lot of secrets and a great "gift". I'm more integrated of what happened to her dad? He seemed to be a little out of control. He pushed the mother. Why??
I like how things are going.

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After Shirley, Theo. This confirms the character centric narrative as a winning choice. This was really good.

Again a real complex building of the character and her relationships, from childhood to her current situation.

So this explains why she wears gloves, and also why she knew her one night stand was too much trouble in the first episode while they didn't look like they had talked much. Her power is brought up very nicely, subtly through more and more interaction, until it his used knowingly, expertfully in the foster child case.

That obviously makes her the character with most potential, though Nell's episode should have a lot of reveal.

Child psychologist, another interesting way to cope with what happened in the house I guess.

An improvement in the horror part with the elevator and cave scene. Can't wait to discover what she saw when touching her father that night, and her sister corpse. Though shouldn't that nullify the fact that the father supposedly never told them what happened ?

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It was late yesterday and I wanted to watch this episode. However, I preferred not to, because it has 8+ rating, and I didn't want to watch it alone, in my room, lights off, with headphones, and right before my sleeping time XD

Edit: after watching, it is not that scary the way I imagined from the cover image.
The episode is really amazing, the characters build up is outstanding, the story line is magnificent really. I like the way Theo came to be.

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Not gonna lie. I wasn't a huge fan of Theo at the start of this show, but this episode definitely shifted my thoughts about her.

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Catching up now, I took awhile to get over the kitten episode. It took like 3 years to recover lol. I going to Horror Nights this year and this is there. I just hope there’s no diseased kittens.

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I am still not sure what to make of this show.

After this episode I am not really convinced that there is a plan and think they are just giving us weird moments to talk about that won't be addressed or wrapped up by the finale.

Time will tell if I am wrong, but just another so-so episode in my book

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Finally someone showed that there's an upside to what seems like an awful ability/superpower to have... I guess that also explains why they are five children. =P

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We learn why middle daughter, Theo, wears gloves, and it has nothing to do with hygiene. Her career choice as a child psychologist is another understandable one for a Crain child. In terms of the character herself, the difference in the likability of young Theo versus adult Theo is even more pronounced than last episode's difference in the two Shirleys and it took something away from things for me. Fortunately, that dumbwaiter scene alone is worth the price of admission. Holy cow. Just a terrific scene all around and I can't remember the last time I was spooked to that degree by something on a TV or movie screen. Very impressive.

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I totally shat my pants during that small elevator scene! I wish this show would explore more that kind of psychological, claustrophobic horror, since apart from the pilot episode, everything's mostly been just talk and family drama and not enough suspense or horror to set this apart from everything else flooding the genre. It's like a soap opera that's occasionally disturbing.

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I'm her and I do not take off my gloves, never

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One more episode
to go then I'm
Hello "AHS"

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I've read all these great reviews about this show, I can't help but think I much be watching a different show. This show is completely boring and doesn't seem to resemble anything like horror.

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great show! very well made

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Definitely my favourite episode so far. Leo is my favourite character.

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Not a good choice if you’re home alone. Well I live alone so... too bad!. Altought I’m terrified and can’t even go to the bathroom with no lights on, this show is amazing. Can’t stop watching!

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For some odd reason I like child Theo but not her as an adult lol.

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Shout by Deleted

what people like and call good shows these days is quite more horror ;-)

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