Personal Lists featuring...

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1981


As of 3/3/2024

The following is a list of series from 1950-2023. Series within were in the top ten of both Trakt’s Popular & Trakt’s All Time Watched in each of their respective years. The exception to that sole guideline above was the years 1950-1955, where the top ten were cross reference as a group as opposed to individual years.


Shows and movies released between 1980 and 1989.


Movies and TV shows based on or adapted from books, plays, comics or graphic novels.

Some movies and TV shows have different titles than the source material and/or have been adapted from a book series Some titles may have more than movie, i.e. Little Women. I have listed most of them as it is not my intent to rank them. I have not watched a fair number of these titles.


Kenne ich, bzw. habe ich gesehen.


Stuff I am watching that is currently airing


Auf Datenträger. (gekauft, gebrannt, gespeichert)


Westphall, who is autistic, played an increased role in St. Elsewhere's final episode, "The Last One", one interpretation of which is that the entire St. Elsewhere storyline exists only within Westphall's imagination. As characters from St. Elsewhere have appeared on other television shows and those shows' characters appeared on more shows, and so on, a "Tommy Westphall Universe" hypothesis (postulated by Dwayne McDuffie) argues that a significant amount of fictional episodic television exists within a fictional universe imagined by Tommy Westphall.


A list of films for a Sci-Fi Movie Night
