The Inside Man

All Episodes 2019 - 2023

  • Returning Series
  • #<Network:0x00007f60967f3980>
  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z
  • 42m
  • 8h 30m (60 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • French, English
  • Twist and Shout Communications
  • Documentary, Drama
Meet Mark, a man with secrets. This lonely hacker must blag his way into Khromacom's security team and destroy the company. His new colleagues present a heartbreaking dilemma: satisfy his sinister controller or betray his loveable friends?

60 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 The New Guy (Social Engineering)

Series Premiere

1x01 The New Guy (Social Engineering)

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z7m

Hacker Mark, aka 'Romulus', tail-gates his way right into the Khromacom corporate HQ where the IT Team are fire-fighting a cyber-attack. He secures a job on the IT security team, much to the satisfaction of his sinister handler, 'Mother'.


1x02 Social Hour

1x02 Social Hour

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z7m

Even before his first day Mark has been interrogating the social media accounts of his new colleagues. They seem like a fun and slightly random bunch of people who love to overshare. He’s tasked with getting security tightened while learning some useful info on the big merger.


1x03 On Our Side

1x03 On Our Side

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z7m

AJ catches Mark trying to ‘phish’ Erica for financial information on the merger. Mark brushes this off as a phishing test for all the company. He asks AJ why he is so loyal to the company but AJ explains it’s about the people. Undeterred, later that night Mark downloads all Erica's confidential files.


1x04 Surprise

1x04 Surprise

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z6m

Mark is running into a brick wall on Khromacom’s network security so he calls on an old contact ‘Rat’ to dumpster dive for confidential documents people may have casually disposed of. When he returns to his desk he is shocked that the guys have made a surprise party. He’s completely thrown.


1x05 Takeaways

1x05 Takeaways

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z6m

It’s 2am and Mark is disguised as a cleaner to target Erica’s office. Her desk and office walls are covered with papers that might be useful. He steals a notebook from her desk. Later the next morning he has a tricky conversation with her while trying to sneak it back in. ‘Mother’ piles on the pressure when Mark starts to ask awkward questions about the ‘sting’.


1x06 Masquerade

1x06 Masquerade

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z10m

‘Romulus’ is ready to ship out of his fake life as Mark Shepherd. He’s just about to send the crucial upload of killer information to his masters when AJ stops him. It’s Red Nose Day and the Khromacom gang are ready for some shenanigans. He’s completely torn when his boss offers him a full-time contract.


1x07 Buying Time

1x07 Buying Time

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z6m

Who knows which way Mark will fall? His new permanent position will give him the chance to work from the ‘inside’, but there are signs he has a real conscience, that he cares about his colleagues. Fiona introduces him to newbie Charlotte and it’s obvious she wants the two of them to strike up a friendship. It’s pretty awkward. Mark has hopeless social skills.


1x08 Taken

1x08 Taken

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z6m

Erica comes to Mark with a problem. She’s fallen prey to a ransomware attack and needs him to sort it without alerting their colleagues. Mark’s response shows he’s got her back. She owes him a favor now. The Controller threatens to deal with Erica and Mark has to create a web of lies to protect his Khromacom family.


1x09 Where the Wild Things Are

1x09 Where the Wild Things Are

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z7m

Mark has a hunch that Erica will be targeted at a big finance conference, so he gets assigned as her security detail. To Mark’s shock and dismay, ‘Mother’ breaks cover. In the guise of an American businessman he charms Erica into divulging information despite Mark’s best efforts to protect her.


1x10 Keep your friends close

1x10 Keep your friends close

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z9m

Mark realizes he can’t do this on his own. He recruits AJ into the game. It’s risky but there’s no alternative. ‘Mother’ calls a clandestine meeting in a deserted underground car park. It looks like Mark’s plan will be thwarted when the Controller takes his phone. Is the countersting over before it gets started?


1x11 The Sound of Trumpets

1x11 The Sound of Trumpets

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z6m

This adversary is relentless. Mark and AJ know that just because an attack has been thwarted, they will just keep coming. The information hacked from ‘Mother's' phone leads them to a USB key, surreptitiously handed to Erica by the American businessman. If she plugs it into her laptop the game is up, the confidential information about the merger will be extracted by ‘Mother’s’ terrifying masters.

Season Finale


1x12 Checkmate

Season Finale

1x12 Checkmate

  • 2019-05-31T23:00:00Z7m

‘Mother’ or Maurice as we find his real name to be, is sure that he can keep the operation on the road. He uses Mark’s past to try to blackmail him. He tests the security guy’s sincerity in turning over a new leaf. Meanwhile AJ gets his big break and a new security star is born at Khromacom. Think all the loose ends are tied up? There’s always a twist in the best thrillers.

Season Premiere


2x01 A Different Tune (Mobile Devices)

Season Premiere

2x01 A Different Tune (Mobile Devices)

  • 2020-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

Things are looking great for Mark. He’s got his dream job, working alongside his newly promoted buddy AJ. They do everything together. Episode 1 finds the Khromacom gang at a Karaoke bar. As ever there are security situations everywhere: unsecured phones being left out in public; people writing their passwords down. What else do you expect when people are having fun?


2x02 Crack Team (Need To Know)

2x02 Crack Team (Need To Know)

  • 2020-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

Mark and AJ are called into the team on a new top-secret project, e.v.e. They get to meet technology biz guru, Justin, and the tech brains behind him, Dev. Mark is tasked with setting up security on the mystery project, but the first meeting for the team sees some cracks appearing in their confidentiality protocols.

2x03 It's A Date (Mobile Devices)

  • 2020-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

Mark and Charlotte’s dinner date is an opportunity for Mark to impress. While he’s a ‘wiz’ at all things security, that clearly doesn’t extend to the kitchen. Meanwhile ‘Aunt Margret’ is turning up the heat and Charlotte finds herself engaged in a hack battle with a skilled adversary. The consequences of earlier phone security errors play out in this tense and funny battle of wits.

At last the wraps are lifted from the top-secret project. Mark, AJ and the rest of the team are introduced to e.v.e – a virtual assistant like nothing we’ve seen before. Mark voices his concern to Dev about the security implications of having connected tech that can ‘hear’ everything that’s said in the office. Then Mark receives a message that threatens to raise the ghost of his previous life.

2x05 Unlikely Bedfellows (Phishing)

  • 2020-02-01T00:00:00Z10m

The new attack by Charlotte has set off some virtual alarms and AJ is helping their colleague Dawn to protect herself from a spoofing attack, after her phone was compromised. Meanwhile, Mark’s old hacker life threatens to come crashing back when he finds himself at a ‘Wellness Centre’ set up by his old controller ‘Maurice’. Surely it can’t just be about re-aligning some ‘chakras’?

Charlotte steps up her social engineering activity, manipulating fellow employees through vishing and impersonation. She’s an impressive adversary and even the security team are not immune. Mark finds himself teaming up with an unlikely ally to try to combat her and her controller, the mysterious ‘Aunt Margret’.

Mark and Charlotte finally make it to dinner at a ‘hipster’ restaurant. Mark’s counter-attack begins, giving Charlotte a taste of her own medicine; using 3rd party apps on her phone. In the process Mark discovers Charlotte’s true motives for targeting Khromacom. The surprises just keep on coming and Mark finds his loyalties tested to the limit.

The launch of e.v.e is just days away and the team is pulled into an unscheduled planning meeting. Dev is relying on Mark and AJ to keep the system secure against a threat of which only Mark knows the true scale. Finally, we start to see the real scope of e.v.e‘s capabilities. Never before has the maxim ‘trust no-one’ seemed more relevant

e.v.e’s launch day minus one and Charlotte is showing herself to be as skilful an actor as she is hacker. Maurice is forced to cash in some old favours, no matter how far flung, or how deep ‘undercover’, to find out who’s really behind the growing web of conspiracy. Meanwhile AJ is having doubts about his friendship with Mark, who seems worryingly distracted and evasive. Not surprising really, after a game-changing revelation that no-one saw coming.

It’s the day of the big launch. The excitement and the threat levels around e.v.e are through the roof. AJ and Mark take the team through the critical security protocols. Meanwhile Charlotte impersonates her way into a bedroom at the launch event hotel. So at last we come to the final showdown. Mark is going to have to draw on all his powers of persuasion to save Charlotte, but time is running out.

Finally, all of the secrets are laid bare, all of the webs of deceit unravel. The revelations come thick and fast for Charlotte, AJ and Dev. By the end of this emotional and tense episode everything they thought they knew will be turned inside-out. Who will emerge on the side of truth? What will happen to all those treasured friendships and loyalties? In a stunning revelation the betrayer will be betrayed.

Season Finale

2x12 A New Day (Internet of Things/Connected Devices)

  • 2020-02-01T00:00:00Z11m

Mark and AJ face the aftermath. In the remains of the e.v.e launch they survey a world seemingly turned upside-down. So many questions are still unanswered. Can their friendship survive? Could someone really end up in jail? And maybe most important of all, where is Charlotte? All will be revealed and more in this intriguing and uplifting Season finale.

Season Premiere


3x01 Getting In

Season Premiere

3x01 Getting In

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

Good Shepherd Security’s crack team is carrying out a sophisticated penetration test, involving AJ in a bee costume. The stakes are sky high, as the ‘sting’ has been commissioned by an international bank. There’s a lucrative contract to be had, but Maurice seems to have gone missing and the bank’s multiple layers of physical and data security could thwart the operation at any stage. The team is going to have to bring their ‘A’ game, including Fiona who, as it turns out, has some impressive improv skills.


3x02 Challenge Accepted

3x02 Challenge Accepted

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z6m

Mark, Maurice and Fiona have a crucial meeting with Christina Mendoza, the CEO of GBT Bank. The outcome could transform the rocky fortunes of their fledgling company. Meanwhile AJ is engaged in an important bit of ‘outreach’, sharing his security insights and enthusiasm. It’s a tough crowd until he lets slip that he works with a ‘white hat hacker’. Great news, it’s game-on for Shepherd Security - but could this be a job too far?


3x03 Things Unsaid

3x03 Things Unsaid

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

The subject of the next penetration test is revealed as Verite, the company whose state-of-the-art banking software is currently being trialled by GBT Bank. The Good Shepherd Security team gather in their temporary new headquarters to make a plan. They have just two weeks to overcome a seemingly impossible challenge. And where exactly is Maurice, just at the moment when his unique skill-set is most needed?

3x04 Credit Where Credit Is Due

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

The planning for ‘Operation Verité’ is in full swing. Mark and AJ are excited to be deploying their hacker capabilities but unexpectedly come up against an obstacle that may threaten the whole business. Fiona finds herself having to deploy an entirely new set of skills. Thanks to her they live to fight another day, but there’s a high price to secure her loyalty.

3x05 The Truth Shall Set You Free

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

AJ is terrified how Fiona will react to the revelations about Mark’s past. It looks like the game is up before it even gets going. Maurice, who is supposed to be ‘cleansing his karma’ seems to think honesty is the best policy but admits he knows little about Mark Shepherd’s dark past. And there’s Fiona’s mum too. She’s turned out to be unexpectedly forthright with her daughter’s team-mates. Could this mean trouble?


3x06 Family Ties

3x06 Family Ties

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z5m

The questions about Mark’s past are having a profound impact on him prompting a disturbing flashback dream. Meanwhile AJ is busy recruiting the new specialist team member, Violet. Her skills are impressive and he’s clearly charmed. It looks like she’s the perfect fit, filling the skills gap that will complete the team for ‘Operation Verité’. Mark’s reaction, however, is not at all what AJ is expecting. Just what is going on?

3x07 You Can't Choose Your Family

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

It’s a job interview like no other. Mark’s sister’s return to his life has seriously rocked the boat. Violet tries to persuade Mark she can be trusted but their shared history has the potential to derail every part of Mark’s new life. It is down to AJ to build bridges between the siblings otherwise the whole sting may be in jeopardy.


3x08 Escaping The Past

3x08 Escaping The Past

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z6m

The emotional stakes are through the roof as Mark shares with Fiona and AJ the full picture of his previous life. The risk to the team seems unsustainable but Violet will not be put off in pushing her case. Her skills are unique, but in the end it is Mark’s decision. His verdict will decide all of their futures. Will he let his personal misgivings thwart their plan?


3x09 The Hook

3x09 The Hook

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z9m

Maurice gets the go-ahead from Christine Mendoza to initiate the sting. It’s a true team effort starting with AJ and Violet, who have the challenge of stealing some top secret information from Verite’s CEO, Lee Berner. Meanwhile for Mark, it’s an opportunity to put his mis-spent past to good effect, as he must breach a secure computing facility without arousing suspicion.


3x10 The Line

3x10 The Line

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z7m

The ‘con’ is up and running full tilt. It has taken all the team’s combined social engineering and hacking skills to get in place and keep the sting going. It’s all been planned like clockwork, Fiona will deal with Lee and AJ in place in the van. All it needs now is Mark to get into position. It’s all been going so well, when ... there’s an obstacle they never anticipated. Seriously? ‘Operation Verité’ hangs by a thread.


3x11 The Sinker

3x11 The Sinker

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z7m

The sting on Lee Berner of Verité hurtles towards its heart-stopping conclusion. Everyone is working at full capacity and the team has to synchronise like a finely tuned watch, combining exquisite social engineering with some serious technical wizardry. It’s Fiona, the rookie, though, who finds herself having to provide the devastating master stroke. Is she prepared to deliver the blow?

Season Finale


3x12 Blast From The Past

Season Finale

3x12 Blast From The Past

  • 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z8m

Everyone is in a mood for celebration. It seems to be mission-accomplished. ‘Good Shepherd Security’, complete with its new team members, will live to fight another day. Maurice, as ever, is on hand for spiritual guidance but Mark is determined to follow his own clandestine path, a path that he will not leave until he has reached his own destination. Whatever that might be.

Season Premiere


4x01 Crash the party

Season Premiere

4x01 Crash the party

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z8m

A mysterious hacker group, The 404, initiates a devastating ransomware attack on a Norwegian gas installation. The hack, a coordinated phishing and social engineering operation, makes the news. A high profile attack like this quickly gains the attention of AJ, Mark and Maurice, aka ‘Good Shepherd Cybersecurity’.


4x02 Hostage to Fortune

4x02 Hostage to Fortune

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z8m

Good Shepherd Cybersecurity is invited to deal with the energy company’s ransomware attack. Mark advises the CEO not to pay the ransom at any cost. It’s not clear if he’ll take Mark’s advice. George, Mark and Violet’s estranged father, makes an unexpected appearance. There are clearly serious questions to be answered.


4x03 They Always Pay

4x03 They Always Pay

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z10m

Disastrously, despite all advice, the energy company’s CEO is planning to cave in to the ransom demand. Mark buys time, promising his team will extinguish the threat in days. Maurice is as elusive as ever. However, the arrival of a Europol agent on the scene brings some nervous moments for both him and Mark.


4x04 Appointment With Fate

4x04 Appointment With Fate

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z8m

AJ informs the team that a fake calendar request to the initial phish victim enabled the hackers to access vital engineering systems. George tries to explain his motives to Violet, but she isn’t convinced. Mark in the UG & E war room thinks he has worked out the nuts and bolts of the hack. He sends in Lars in Norway to rectify the situation, but there is a terrifying reaction.


4x05 Trust Me

4x05 Trust Me

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z8m

Mark has enlisted Lars to locate the threat in the plant’s underground system of tunnels and comes to a stunning realization about the real nature of the attack. Thanks to a USB key, AJ manages to persuade a sceptical CEO that security training needs to happen. Meanwhile, Fiona sees something that triggers her own doubts about Violet when she runs an errand at Mark’s home.


4x06 Under Pressure

4x06 Under Pressure

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z12m

Mark and AJ have an exciting ride out to inspect one of the stricken gas terminals, thanks to an old friend. In the offices, the GSC team watches nervously as Mark heads out into the deserted control room. The monitoring systems at the facility are going critical. Charlotte’s reaction when Lars and Mark are successful is beyond anything witnessed before.


4x07 Faking It

4x07 Faking It

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z9m

Maurice enlists Deathrage to do a little cyber-snooping on Agent Castillon to see where her loyalties lie. AJ’s growing social media presence secures an approach from a hugely popular influencer whose social media feeds have been hacked and damaging deepfake messages have been posted. Maurice reveals his old life is very much alive alongside the Zen guru persona.


4x08 Nuclear Family

4x08 Nuclear Family

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z10m

Violet has a flashback to the moment when 16-year-old her was finally able to cut loose from George. Back in the present day, George tries to persuade Violet to get some old tech off Mark allegedly to protect him. Later, Violet is instrumental in putting together the response to deal with Rosie May’s social media crisis: an ingenious deepfake.


4x09 Party On!

4x09 Party On!

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z9m

Violet and AJ have worked out the scarily simple mechanism behind the hack of Rosie May’s social media feed. The influencer is delighted, and everyone at GSC is in a celebratory mood. Mark and Violet seem to have worked past their differences and are bonding over an old gaming console. Never short on surprises, Maurice brings an unexpected guest to the party.


4x10 Suspicious Minds

4x10 Suspicious Minds

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z7m

Fiona still has her suspicions about Mark’s sister and is intrigued to see Violet visiting a surprising location. Over at Good Shepherd Cybersecurity, a normal day is quickly taking an unexpected turn. How will Mark and the team respond in the face of this new, unforeseen crisis?


4x11 Bittersweet

4x11 Bittersweet

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z8m

All is descending into chaos. The Good Shepherd Cybersecurity team is driven out of their office. Erica makes a devastating discovery about Maurice, while Mark receives more humiliation from the mastermind behind the 404. Everyone thinks he’s a hero, but he knows the awful truth and the enormous personal price he has paid.

Season Finale


4x12 The Morning After

Season Finale

4x12 The Morning After

  • 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z13m

The morning after the attack, the team is trying to process what happened. A search through the security camera footage turns up some nasty surprises. Mark is shocked at what he sees and goes to confront the culprit; he feels betrayed and lied to. What seems like an ending is just another beginning. He wants to be master of his own destiny and take on his enemy, no matter what the consequence.

Season Premiere


5x01 King of the Castle

Season Premiere

5x01 King of the Castle

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z9m

In a castle in deepest Romania a lawyer is presiding over an audacious financial heist. In London, a sinister figure walks into a hospital. What links these two seemingly unrelated events? Who knows, but nothing good can come of this.


5x02 Full disclosure

5x02 Full disclosure

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z6m

Mark and AJ are testing out an ingenious weapon to add to their cyber-armoury. A phone call brings news that will rock their world. Who is the mystery man in the hospital? He looks familiar somehow.


5x03 Dark forces

5x03 Dark forces

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z10m

Violet and Mark are approached by the security services. The siblings are faced with an impossible choice that tests their already fragile relationship. The name Cyrus Barclay re-enters their lives; that’s never a good thing.


5x04 Deal or no deal

5x04 Deal or no deal

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z12m

Mark and Violet make a decision regarding the approach from Europol. The mechanics behind the next stage of Cyrus’ plan are starting to become clear. A ‘has been’ social media company called ‘The Village’ seems to have attracted his attention.


5x05 Chasing shadows

5x05 Chasing shadows

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z9m

The Europol security chief outlines the extent of Cyrus’ criminal activities and the involvement of his merciless lawyer Lenora Van Deroef. Maurice is starting to feel the heat from old contacts from his hacker black book. Violet is impatient with progress and strikes out alone


5x06 Law of the jungle

5x06 Law of the jungle

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z11m

AJ is excited to be taking on a huge career opportunity on a TV news programme . Cyrus’ hacking operation gets into its relentless stride and recruits a couple of familiar faces to his shady ‘corporation’. Looks like Violet is in way too deep.


5x07 Village life

5x07 Village life

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z11m

Violet overhears something that chills her to the core. Turns out the stakes are way higher not just for The Village, but for her, Mark and everyone they care for. Similarly for Maurice, who finds himself having to do a deal with a part of his past he really would rather forget.


5x08 Oh baby

5x08 Oh baby

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z9m

Fiona is keen to be operational and volunteers herself for a high stakes mission to infiltrate ‘The Village’. AJ gets to wheel out his favourite bit of kit while Mark runs backup. Maurice enlists an old ally to carry out a personal hacking commission. But why?


5x09 Foiled

5x09 Foiled

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z11m

Cyrus’ grip around ‘The Village’ is closing ever tighter. Fiona, Mark and AJ need all their collective powers of persuasion on the senior board members before its’ most precious asset is extracted. The clock is ticking and Lenora Van Deroef is intent on her remorseless strategy.


5x10 Take a bow

5x10 Take a bow

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z10m

The Good Shepherd team are in full flow but they are up against an agile adversary. After a lengthy tussle, where each side takes the initiative over ‘The Village’ it seems like Fiona, Mark, AJ, Violet and Maurice have dealt the killer blow. Maurice sends out for champagne, to celebrate.


5x11 Unto the breach

5x11 Unto the breach

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z11m

The champagne order was premature. Good Shepherd are up against a world class villain who can never be underestimated. Seems that all that work was for nothing. Violet’s next move puts her in the eye of the storm. Surely it’s game over.


5x12 Last words

5x12 Last words

  • 2023-03-26T23:00:00Z13m

At last, Mark and Violet finally get a chance to reconcile. The occasion is not the one they would have chosen. Maurice strikes a bargain but at what cost? As for Cyrus, where in the world is he?
