Well, to be fair and to my point of view, this episode add nothing to the main story line... and I played the game.

You can fit pretty much anything between Joel and Ellie segment and it would have done the same.

Glad for those who enjoyed it. Personaly, I did not.

The title of this episode was on point! It was too long and the pace too slow for my taste. I really hope to see something else in the next episodes.

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At this point and with all the rainbow dedications, tributes and presentations.... I'm just glad I'm able to skip through unnecessary scenes or an entire episode with a flick of my finger. I'll pretend I didn't watch this.

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Did a whole lot of skipping on this episode. I get it your trying to tie things end, but this episode dragged on way to long. What annoys me is you for a secure base with traps and guarded fences. Home. Food. Bunker full of Weapons. Electricity. Gas. Hot showers. and you choose to leave. WTF??

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Trash filler crap dookie episode

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This was seriously depressing shit. Didn't like it.

Also major goof: Joel and Ellie walk across a path in the forest that's been treaded so often its free of vegetation.... Wait. What? It's it zombie-highway? After 10 years that would be overgrown. For sure.
The grass near the crashed plane looks also as if it was neatly cutted by a machine last week.

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I dont like it. Why Bill is dead? This is The Last of Us not a romantic gay spin off of Bill and Frank!

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Fast forward like 49 minutes of this ridiculous episode

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I skipped the love story I and 95% of people can't relate to. So far this show is pretty mid. Hope it gets better.

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This episode is one thing above all: boring. And an unnecessary gap filler.

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This too early to have a filler episode. Waste of an hour. Watch the first 5 mins and last 5 mins. Rest has zero value to story progression.

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I could have skipped this episode and missed nothing.

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If anyone is wondering why this is a lovefest for this terrible episode, just know that trakt is actively deleting any negative comments. Even ones that aren't in anyway offense. I know because it happened to me, and has been happening more and more lately.

As my previous comment mentioned, This was a poor filler episode.

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A very solid 1/10 for Ep3

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Episode 3: WTF was that??! I want my time back!

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I Think I skipped about 40 minuets of this Episode, I really hope there are no more like this absolute tripe !

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Boring, boring, boring.

I just fast forwarded most of the episode.

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Why tou have to put that woke s*it everywere :thumbsdown:

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the one not needed, it is just the shove LGBTQ in our faces, they extinct. worse episode ever.

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Why they put lgbt shit in shows ?

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I'm glad I can watch in fast forward..... On to the next episode where hopefully something will happen. Really thought this was going to be fun having Oferman show up, but then blahhhhh.

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This is it folks, this is peak television. What we have here is one of the most gut wrenching and masterfully crafted episodes ever brought to screen. Absolutely fucking phenomenal with career best performances from Murray Bartlett and Nick Oferman. Holy shit this will stick with me.

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"i was never afraid before you showed up" yeah you can stop right there, i was already crying :sob: i wasn't ready for all the TEARS TODAY

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Never commented on Trakt before, but wow what an episode! Felt compelled. One of the best bits of television I have seen in recent memory.

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A fantastic short film that’s bound to become the major highlight of this season for most, while also likely to trigger some mentally deficient adults.
One of its best qualities is that you could in theory tell this story with a straight couple , and it wouldn’t lessen any of its emotional impact.
It’s such an original, creative angle for a zombie apocalypse show, and Nick Offerman/Murray Bartlett both deliver career best performances here. If their section was a bit more fleshed out, I genuinely think you could make a great indie/arthouse film out of it.
I also love how it portrays a hardcore Republican character without making him some incapable buffoon, we don’t get enough of that in movies and tv.

Ps: I’m pretty sure they used an existing piece of music during the marriage montage , I’ve heard it before but can’t quite place where it’s from

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Getting bored. Been far too many deep moments already, and not enough action. Last thing the show needed was a filler episode.

I guess Neil was out of the office the day this one was written.

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Wasn't expecting to cry today. What an absolutely beautiful episode.

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Why? Just... why? Totally unneeded episode, with absolutely no point whatsoever. Just pushing agenda. What to expect next, clickers doing anal in the ass?

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The first two episodes were largely a faithful recreation of the game. While I appreciated the authenticity, I wondered why this needed to exist. If I wanted to reexperience this story after all, I could just revisit the game.
This episode really did what the series should be doing. It gave us a new angle to look at a story beat that was there in the game, but only shown to us in the past tense. Now we're getting to live through these moments, and that makes the series really feel worthwhile.

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The people leaving negative comments have clearly not had a good romance in their life. It wasn’t made the way the game was made. This is where it all changed, but I appreciated the backstory. I was always curious about frank.

Perhaps I didn’t like how vulnerable bill got when he was with him as he seemed like a tough guy on the outside.

But perhaps this the chapter we were missing all along. The information about who frank was and why he was so important to Bill.

I kind of would’ve hoped that Bill wouldn’t have died and that’s why he later then got so snappy and annoyed at Ellie & Joel.

I like this actor, I suppose I do wish he could’ve stuck around for longer :/

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one of the best episodes of television i have ever fucking seen

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Waste of time. If someone told me I could skip those 40 minutes, I would do it in a heartbeat.

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Shout by Za0820

I have to keep reminding myself this is not going to be just like the game, and this episode is no exception. This episode changes several things I was looking forward to being adapted such as the bloater, and Bill and Ellies interactions. As someone who's played the game, the deep dive into Bill and Franks story was nice to see. However, without the games knowledge this episode is just a filler.

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im such a mess now

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I don’t know man, this episode just didn’t catch on for me. Non the less i thought it was decent and it seemed important for character development.

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Working off script from the game, the episode takes the opportunity to expand on a character with such depth to really flesh out the true meaning of this series. Even for a slow episode, we can appreciate how beautifully they handled this delicate love story.

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omg, this episode is so good !!!

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A very emotional and well crafted episode!
Bill and Frank’s story really touched me.

Also, finding lots of bigots to block in this comment thread lmao

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  • I thought the episode was good. I just wanted to see more of Joel and Bill's relationship. Would have also liked to have seen Ellie and Bill's dynamics like in the game.
  • But I think it's a first where the show wrote a happy ending for a couple living in the apocalypse, it helped this series differentiate itself from the other stuff - so far it felt like The Walking Dead with a bigger budget.
  • The cinematography was awesome, loved the night sequence when they are awoken by intruders, the fire burning outside the home was a wicked shot.
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I don't think I'll forget this episode for a long, long time. I loved the change in pace from the first two episodes and didn't even really miss Joel and Ellie, which goes to show just how good this was. Loved the performances and the story that was told including the deeper themes and messages. Beautiful and heartbreaking stuff, I love it. The quality of this show continues.

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As soon as I saw Linda Ronstadt, I knew. =)

Wow. I feel like this never happens in these types of shows. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and something horrible to happen the ENTIRE episode. But this was, ultimately, a heartbreakingly happy ending. And it was all about love. Such a beautiful well-rounded story.

That last shot was perfection.

“I was never afraid before you showed up.”

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Shout by Crystal

This is pointless! What's the point of this story telling if you kill the character ffs. Totally waste of time.

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Another load of crap from Hollywood.
Back to European cinema.

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I'm Ron 'fuckin' Swanson! Zombies ain't got nothing on me. The first 30 minutes of this episode was awesome, before it went totally gay. :rofl:

I'm only 3 episodes in. But, this was the best episode so far.

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god what a good episode, it's still on my mind, i want to be as resourceful as him, such a touchy ending for both of them, you know this is how it used to be like in the old days, you'd go out on a quest, and accidentally end up finding your life partner <3

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Episode too long and i’m pretty sure it is not relevant at all for the rest of the season 1… let’s wait what the next episode’s got…!

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Great episode. Would have loved seeing Ellie and Bill curse at each other. But I understand that it wouldn't quite fit the mood. There will always be the game we can go back to.

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As someone who often hates on movies and shows which throw in Gay characters just in the name of diversity or to make them stand out for one reason or another, this show was so far my favorite episode out of the first 3, it was an incredible short story, I loved how much more attention Bill and Frank got, and even though it was much more different than the game, it was a good choice, it was a great love story and made Bill seem much more human, rather than just a crazy old dude like in the video game.

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I am emotionally shattered after this one

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What a fantastic episode. All the feels. Anything is possible. True love can't be stopped. Even in a Zombie Pandemic.

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Gosh, this episode was beautiful.

It’s always strawberries. From Shakespeare to Firefly to The Last of Us.

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wow, I want a spin off series about Bill & Frank!!

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Wait, how the hell would Ellie even begin to know what a damn deodorant stick is?

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This episode justifies the entire show existing wowie.

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This show started off dull, 3 whole episodes in, it's boring as hell. I doubt it could get any worse if they tried.

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Rather disappointed with this episode. While it's very well written, I fail to see the purpose of exploring a character and his backstory, if you are going to kill him off in the same episode and not use any of that material for further development. I'm also sad that we did not get to witness the epic banter between Ellie and Bill that was one of the highlights for me from the game. I'm left confused by the choices HBO is making here. We'll see where the rest of it goes.

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Definitely why I don't run for fun! A cautionary tale. It will age and kill you essentially overnight :)

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Meh, at least we got over it quickly so we can move on to the real stuff without interruptions.

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I feel like I’ve been shot.

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the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one ugly sobs

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A really unnecessary episode tbh.

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craig mazin, hack of the year, said this libertarian is a good person cuz he's a GAY libertarian jfc

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Shout by ten

thoughts during ep3

  • ron swansons new friend (who i predict is gonna be bf) needs a bath man’s FILTHY
  • oh nvm slay he’s showering
  • these two are so typecast bc this is the same character as their other roles LMAO
  • bills so awkward LOL
  • i feel like two beards kissing would feel really weird hmm
  • frank, wtf are you doing waiting naked in the bed, FRANK WHAT ARE YOU DOING
  • frank you are a whore, you just got here and already trying to fuck
  • the bfs are fightinggggg
  • bill not wanting friends is such a mood
  • the way i knew me and bill had the same personality type, ISTP gang
  • gays really do be rockin flannels
  • poor bill
  • god these guys are old as fuck, movin like turtles
  • frank said “we get married then you kill me, sound good boo?”
  • ok romeo and juliet :rolling_eyes:
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Shout by todkon

Eh. It was a nice story but done wayyyyyyy better in the game. It was way funnier that Frank left out of loathing of Bill and left a really scathing, hateful letter after hanging himself before succumbing to an infection. Also Bill gets to live in the game and interact with Ellie.

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This gave me chills of the Arrival movie soundtrack…

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I am deeply emotionally unstable after this episode. just fucking gutted. Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett absolutely destroyed me as Bill and Frank. Their tender romance and its tragic end have left me utterly discombobulated. And Joel getting that letter in the end eviscerated me.

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I wanted scary, not sad. The episode is very slow, and honestly felt like it was over 2 hours long. While it was heartfelt, as already stated, it’s waaaaayyy too early for a filler episode. This hurt the series for me, and I’ve already lost some interest because of it

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I wasn't ready for this.

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Lol, ypu crazy … :eyes::eyes::laughing::laughing:

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One of the greatest love stories on television. I haven't cried with an episode for a long time and that episode hurt my heart so bad

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I think I have depression now. HBO knows for sure how to keep me hyped til House of the Dragon 2. PEAK TV

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Well, guys... Was it beautiful? Yes it was. Was it The Last of Us? Nope.

Thou shall not diss on any episode where the great Offerman appears.

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Shout by bbeck.

This episode perfectly builds up Joel’s newfound devotion to Ellie. He is broken from failing at saving his daughter and Tess, but through Bill’s encouragement, is able to lean into his purpose as a protector, just like Bill. Great acting, especially Pedro Pascal’s at the end, and brilliant directing/writing.

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Absolutely incredible episode. Loved every minute of it esp relationship between Bill and Frank was portrayed so well.

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