So was it an alternate universe?

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Shout by eman sadek
BlockedParent2018-10-26T21:15:17Z— updated 2019-01-04T18:15:45Z

well,I think this is going to be my favorite finale of a tv show after my beloved six feet under's finale .

P.S : I don't believe Nora although I'd like to.a lot of signs in the episode proves her lying .

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So many questions unanswered! I was disappointed.

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We've come such a long way from people smoking in white clothes. "I believe you." What a journey!

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Yep, I maintain that this series, (just like LOST) is an allegory about purgatory, the "real" place written about in religious texts merged with the psychological limbo some experience in life. It was interesting enough but intentionally chaotic so as to be open for multiple interpretations, which is a cheat. Anyway, the acting was great and the deep introspections on grief and loss were the highlights, but in the end 'twas a right laugh at us suckered into watching the whole thing. Haha.

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This series would have been better without that animal suffering.

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Finished watching Yesterday , lo and behold there is Floods in Australia .

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I'm sorry but like Lost. This show was a waste of my time. I stayed around because I like a good mystery but come on. To each his own.

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Enjoyable final episode. Thank you !

But how did it work for Laurie's baby that was still in her body ? Did it just fall flat on the ground and die?

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Welp, that was a fun show, I enjoyed it.
I feel like there was a lot of symbolism in it trying to fill the gaps of the storyline.
I was satisfied with the ending, even tho they didn't really answer why that happened.
Would not mind a mini-series spin-off to see the perspective of the 2% world.

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A very satisfying finale. One of the better ones. It feels like a complete story was told, but the writers still left things open to the viewer's imagination. Thought provoking and emotionally fulfilling. Sad to see it end.

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Es la primera vez que veo dos veces seguidas un episodio de una serie de TV; en concreto los 15m finales. Gloriosos.#theLeftovers

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That final shot, bathed in yellow, love birds returning home, is literally the best possible final shot for this series.
And those final spoken words, "I'm here", are also literally the best possible final words for this series.

"Rectify" and "Fargo" both have their moments, but this has to be my favorite season of television since "Breaking Bad"'s season 6.

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Shout by Cam Lock
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-06-12T23:19:43Z— updated 2017-08-11T01:14:39Z

The Leftovers proposed that the afterlife was a dream like state. Nora died during her attempt to enter the 'other side'. This final episode showed that Nora was in a dream like state (the cottage, the town, her job) and Kevin had finally died from a heart attack and reunited with her in the afterlife.

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Nope. I can't talk about it, I'm still crying.

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Nope. I can't talk about it, I'm still crying.

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Loved it. Loved the finale, loved the season, loved the whole show.

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All the answers I wanted were here...and they weren't. Very satisfying finale and also an emotional roller coaster the entire season.

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This is by far my favorite show finale. I never expected to feel all that satisfaction at the end of a show and I was skeptical about this one too but I am glad I was so wrong

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Poor goat :(
So I guess the other side was an alternate universe, if you believe Nora.

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Well, that was a surprisingly satisfying ending. A bittersweet love story but still a love story.

- But so much time had passed. It was too late.
- (mental retcon) It wasn't over. It still isn't over!"

I'm glad for most characters. Matt at least went back to his family. Laurie, as expected, is still alive and well, and a happy grandma. Jill is happy. The GR appears to have faded away.

All is right with the world.

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Definitely going to miss this show, some of the best television I've ever seen. That intentional ambiguity by the writing team was brilliant.

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Nora's Story would have made for a fantastic forth season. Hats off to the Music Coordinator! The music scores were spot on.

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I'm gonna miss this show...

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Shout by Redouane

So basically, in the future, Carrie Coon turns into an old Kate McKinnon?

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A great finale to a great series. You will forever have a place in my heart TL.

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That despriction is so goddamn fitting and amazing.

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Shout by Wael Hazzazi

So is there like three parallel universes? One where the show took place, one where everyone departed to, and one where all the dead from universe 1 goes to?

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I don't believe Nora.

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Shout by Deleted

I wish I could rate it higher than 10. Best show in the recent years, amazing from start to finish.

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The most unnecessary dumb show ever to exist. It was terrible. Watch current The Americans, Fargo to get real writing/acting/premise. Answers do matter or what's the point.

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Wow. What an ending. I didn't expect an explanation, it's not Lindelof's way but I appreciate it just the same.

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I really hope in a great ending.. I will miss this Amazing show..

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