The absence of Durin and the dwarves this episode after they were the best part of the last episode was severely missed. But we still got some great world building with continued beautiful visuals. I really enjoyed the attempted prisoner escape scene at the end of the episode and Arondir is becoming one of my early favorite characters.

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Boring stuff. Is incredible what a weak scripting, a bad casting and a lack of imagination can do with a Incredible fantasy universe.

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Everything is starting to hit more and more from the visuals, to the music, and to the characters. Breathtaking stuff!

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So, this show that splits opinions to both ends of the spectrum. Why am I not surprised ?

I see some issues with it but in general I like it, it's entertaining. Everyone who doesn't like it can just stop watching. Simple as that.

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Wow are the people watching this show who think is bad, idiots? Great entertainment. Sucks we have to wait a week for another episode.

MODERATION EDIT: Don't use that word here.

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Childish dialogs and plot. What a disappointment so far. Better watch house of dragons.

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Honestly the show so far is very very enjoyable idk what these negative reviews are on about

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I keep watching hoping it gets better. At this point I now find myself wondering how much worse it can get yet every episode finds away to get worse and worse. :cry: Amazon is proving correct the saying "just because you can doesn't mean you should"

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The visuals in this series are amazing

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Best episode so far. It is a fascinating world. I feel that my very limited knowledge of the LotR universe is an asset though :thinking: I just enjoy the fantastic landscapes, stages and costumes. I especially like the islands. Characters are likeable. Childish and one-dimensional for the most part though but that's a general problem in Tolkien's world. The main story progresses slowly and I still can't see where it leads to, but I guess slow character and world building is the focus in this episode. Perhaps in the entire season. And I'm okay with that.

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the writings has been dreadful from the beginning, but this episode was so bad that I felt bad for dismissing the got spin-off but giving this a shot

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It's terrible but in a "so bad it's funny" way.
You've got "12 Years an Elf" freeing the slaves from the pale skinned "Ultra-Morgoth Republorcans"... Galadriel is absolutely horrifying in every scene (check out that horse ride wtf), the Lucky Chaaaarms Hobbits (nuff said)... Halbrand Solo is the only good character so far.

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The first half was a boredfest. It did pick up a bit later on but I can't help but feeling it still tried to do so many things while only few of the events nor characters seemed remotely entertaining. Not to mention the forced tensions here and there which felt incredibly hollow and uncalled for.

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I'm liking this more each episode - and not only because I'm back in Arda where I've always felt at home. It's just... good. It's really going somewhere, albeit slowly. I'm excited to see where the season takes us.

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Worst episode so far - by a lot. I found this one hard to get through. Uninspiring and boring.

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Very bad, weak plot, actors so so

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I don't care, I like it, I'm watching it.

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1x03 Adar: 7.3/10 (Good)

Arondir is taken prisoner by the Orcs, Nori finds herself in a sticky situation with her family because of a secret friend she has been keeping from them. Galadriel and her new travel companion Halbrand arrive at a new Kingdom, Númenor. A satisfying continuation to the story that manages to keep things interesting. There's not much to remark about this episode, but we got to see more of Middle Earth, got introduced to some new characters, and the episode did a fantastic job of establishing the grandeur and scale of Middle-Earth. The show is starting to find its footing, and I’m excited for what is to come. Oh, and I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but the VFX and cinematography is just breathtaking.

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Wow, I'm enjoying this more after each episode.
And that is saying a lot since this one didn't even have my favorite part of last episode (Elrond and Durin) .
I think I'm enjoying each story and the new characters are a nice addition.
Númenor is beautiful.
Also I liked the reference in the first time we heard the name Isildur being like when Elrond calls him in the beginning of the fellowship.
However, for people who are not familiar with this story it might be a bit confusing since they don't explain much.

I think OST is very important in anything and I like that it seems that the composer experience on Outlander and Black Sails can be heard in some of the tracks.
Also, the brutallity of the orcs scenes was unexpected for me so it was quite surprising what happened there in the end for me.

Anyway, hope it keeps getting better.

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Those who are criticizing the show are unable to look far. They do not enjoy the idea of ​​imagining who, amongst the characters, are the ancestors of Thorin, those of Bilbo, those of Aragorn, Gandalf himself who I am almost certain is the man who fell from heaven. Go back to watch Game of Thrones, that's the show for you.

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Galadriel horse riding through Númenor. Perfection!

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Better. Not really a fan of the Harfoot stuff unless it involves The Stranger, who surely is a blue wizard or Gandalf. Not sure Adar is Sauron. Intrigued. It's still far too long per episode.

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And here we go again with the endless panoramic scenes and big dramatic music for no reason. And I'm no hardcore LOTR fanboy so maybe the elves are supposed to be portrayed as robots reading straight from the script but that doesn't change the fact that Morfydd Clark is unbearable to watch. And don't get me started on the Australian surfer gang with big feet living in the forest.
This better pick up some speed and go somewhere in the next episode or I'll bin it.

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This is episode is much better than the pilots episodes. Less frequent switching of POVs allowed stories for each characters to be more fleshed out

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Woke score 10/10. Watch lord of the rings and tell me how this is the same world in any imaginable way. Weak scripting with no name actors, and it's stuffed so heavily with cgi, even while being good cgi, it feels artificial.

Weird political undertones about slavery that were poorly presented, every "family" seems to have serious genetic issues with the parents being completely different races then the children. It's just weird, slow and poorly done.

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Elendil smirking in the ship is exactly the same as Isildur. Like father like son.

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A few Spartacus characters here. I count 3 of them.

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Though I've enjoyed the films, I wouldn't say I'm a big fan of LOTR, still, this is quite fine. Enjoyable fantasy, decent story (though focus could be refined a bit), beeeeeeautiful cinematograph and special effects, I'm sold. Let's see how it unfolds.

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This episode was better than the previous ones. The plot thickens, even though there are still too many separate plotthreads (and way too many characters to keep track of). And please, could Halbrand look any more similar to Aragorn? Which is a bit strange since Aragorn's Isildur's heir...

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I'm sorry but as hard as I try I just think the rings of power is awful, couldn't give a damn about the casting as acting is just acting.

Don't care who they cast just as long as the show lives up to the LOTR.

But the whole feel of the show is just way off the mark.

The warg cgi was terrible, the time spent with the hobbit-ish folk is boring and pointless apart from Gandelf being introduced.

Really had high hopes for this as LOTR has always been my favourite set of books from since I was a child.

Only hope is that the show picks up speed and starts getting to the point as I'm losing interest fast, which hurts because I loved the idea of expanding the world of middle earth.

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I really liked it, it was amazing

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Despite not always easy to keep up with. That end fight was pretty awesome.

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The best show this year! Amazing Story, Amazing effects, amazing actors! I dont understand some people and their complaints! This show justified the money and all the hard work from many people. Bravo! The fight in the pit, with Warg, is….jaw dropping. Ive watched the fight 10 or 15 times...Amazing!

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Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-09-25T22:58:44Z— updated 2022-10-01T23:11:51Z

Those sailing scenes are amazing! They show the beauty and power of the sea <3 I always thought sailing would be quite boring but now that I've been twice on a small sailing boat I find it quite fascinating and anything but boring.

The only thing more beautiful was that legendary island kingdom. The CGI, cinematography, and scenery is just so beautiful! <3

Galadriel and Halbrand are still a very interesting duo :) And quite entertaining at times ("kneel" or "how fares the quest for peace?").

Galadriel acts quite privileged but either she doesn't realize it or she's too naive. During the introduction she went right from thankful to demanding :o :D

Halbrand was way more diplomatic and even managed to make friends for a very brief time... :D I was happy for him when he seemed to connect with the people but it went really bad really fast. He definitely can fight though!

The fighting choreographies at the end (Elves and Humans vs. Orcs) are great! It just sucks that they did so well and still failed... :o I really wouldn't like to be Arondir(?) now though!

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Difficult to follow the plot when you don’t see the red thread. Characters are stacked up in high tempo but the how does the different stories connect to the main plot?

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Ok, I'm three hours in and it's alright but it doesn't have the holding power or the ( I have to have More) as say the other LOTR movies originally had. I also feel the the characters are starting to pile on to quickly.

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The worst script speedrun any %

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This is such a quality production and a very well told story. What a wonderful era we live in :heart_eyes:

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Finally, some genuinely good television from this show. We get some good politics here and there, and an engaging plot with Galadriel stuck on the island. I appreciate Galadriel leaning into her flawed nature as an arrogant elf, while others treat her as if she is in fact being arrogant. It allows her character to maintain the flaws that keep her interesting, while preventing those flaws from chaffing the audience. For once, Galadriel's parts in the show are also the best parts.

On a negative note, the slow-motion sequences we're a bit overdone and didn't work the same way they did in the Snyder Cut because they don't match the tone of the other scenes. Additionally, the show seems to switch to the most boring parts of other plotlines when the intrigue is at its highest. Don't get me wrong, I love a good ping-pong between A, B, and C plots, but it's been said that cinema is "life, with the boring parts cut out", and I don't think the editors kept that in mind when writing and editing this episode.

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Shout by Amarantha
BlockedParent2022-09-11T18:48:58Z— updated 2022-09-17T11:22:42Z

Still going strong. Númenor was absolutely stunning and Elendil totally stole this episode for me. Slow-mo horse riding sequence could have been done a bit more tastefully, though.

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