• 52
  • 225
  • 1.2k
  • 1
  • 1992-04-06T04:00:00Z on PBS
  • 4h 45m
  • 4h 48m (5 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
The Machine That Changed the World is a 5-episode television series on the history of electronic digital computers. It was written and directed by Nancy Linde

5 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 Giant Brains

Series Premiere

1x01 Giant Brains

  • 1992-04-06T04:00:00Z57m

The 18th-century origins of the "universal machine" - when a computer was a human being who did arithmetic.


Paul Ceruzzi (computer historian), Doron Swade (London Science Museum), Konrad Zuse (inventor of the first functional computer and high-level programming language, d.1995), Kay Mauchly Antonelli (human computer in WWII and ENIAC programmer, d.2006), Herman Goldstine (ENIAC developer, d.2004), J. Presper Eckert (co-inventor of ENIAC, d.1995), Maurice Wilkes (inventor of EDSAC), Donald Michie (Codebreaker at Bletchley Park)


1x02 Inventing the Future

1x02 Inventing the Future

  • 1992-04-13T04:00:00Z58m

The rise of commercial computing, from UNIVAC to IBM in the 1950s and 1960s.


Ted Withington (network engineer, industry analyst), Paul Ceruzzi (Smithsonian), J. Presper Eckert (ENIAC co-inventor, d.1995), Morris Hansen (former US Census Bureau, d.1990), John Pinkerton (Chief Engineer, LEO, d.1997), Thomas J. Watson, Jr. (Chairman Emeritus, IBM, d.1993), James W. Birkenstock (retired Vice President, IBM, d.2003), Jean Sammet (programming language historian), Dick Davis (retired Senior V.P., Bank of America), Robert Noyce (co-inventor, integrated circuit, d.1990), Gordon Moore (former Chairman of the Board, Intel), Steve Wozniak (Co-founder, Apple)


1x03 The Paperback Computer

1x03 The Paperback Computer

  • 1992-04-20T04:00:00Z57m

The development of the personal computer and user interfaces, from Doug Engelbart and Xerox PARC to the Apple and IBM PCs.


Canon John Tiller (Library Master, Hereford Cathedral), Mitch Kapor (Founder, Lotus), Robert Taylor (Xerox PARC), Ted Nelson (Creator, Project Xanadu), Douglas Engelbart, Larry Tesler (Xerox PARC), Alan Kay (Xerox PARC), Ted Hoff (Co-inventor, microprocessor), Steve Jobs (Cofounder, Apple), Steve Wozniak (Cofounder, Apple), Mike Markkula (Investor, Apple), Lee Felsenstein (Designer, Osborne 1), Bill Gates (Chairman, Microsoft), Chris Peters (Manager, Office), Anne Meyer (Center for Applied Special Tech.), Dr. Henry Fuchs (UNC, Chapel Hill), Dr. Jane Richards (UNC, Chapel Hill), Dr. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr (UNC, Chapel Hill)


1x04 The Thinking Machine

1x04 The Thinking Machine

  • 1992-04-27T04:00:00Z58m

The history of artificial intelligence, from Minsky to neural networks.


Marvin Minsky (MIT), Hubert Dreyfus (UC Berkeley), Edward Feigenbaum (Stanford University), Hans Moravec (Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute), Doug Lenat (University of Texas, Austin), Dean Pomerleau (Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute), Terrence Sejnowski (Salk Institute)

1x05 The World at Your Fingertips

  • 1992-05-04T04:00:00Z58m

Computer networks, including the Internet, and their global impact on communication and privacy.


Robert Lucky (AT&T Bell Labs), Dave Hughes, Kathleen Bonner (Trader, Fidelity), George Hayter (Former Head of Trading, London Stock Exchange), Ben Bagdikian (UC Berkeley), Arthur Miller (Harvard Law School), Forman Brown (songwriter, d.1996), Tan Chin Nam (Chairman, National Computer Board of Singapore), B.G. Lee (Minister of Trade and Industry, Singapore), Lee Fook Wah, (Assistant Traffic Manager, MRT Singapore), David Assouline (French Activist, now a senator), Mitch Kapor (founder, Lotus), Michael Drennan (Air traffic controller, Dallas-Fort Worth)
