Shouts about...

The Midnight Gospel 2020

I was excited seeing another Pendleton Ward animation, but after watching the first 2.5 episodes I lost all interest. It’s full of pseudo intellectual conversations about religion, existentialism, drug use, etc. I’m all for the latter two topics of conversation especially, but this show really had no idea wtf they’re talking about regarding any of it. It’s basically a very poorly done rip off of the brilliant film, Waking Life. Also I’d like to note that I rarely give up on finishing a show before judging it, but this was the exception. It’s sooooo bad.

PS. I’d like to add the actual animation, atmosphere of the scenery/planets/dimensions, and the gore gratis were pretty stellar. It’s the subject matter and format of the show itself that’s so terrible.

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You have to watch it like you watch a video clip for a song. The story of the animation does not relate to the conversations.
I liked it, I liked the topics. Every episode is a good conversation starter. I don't think this is a Waking Life ripoff.

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it's the most boring thing created. i get this whole idea behind the show but not in a form of animation. it's nothing more than a podcast with poor visualisation

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"The Midnight Gospel" is a weird series. On the one hand, the animation is beautiful, abstract and imaginative. But on the other, the podcast philosophy talks are hard to focus on. I still hear the full conversations, but now and then, it sounds more like noise, and I let the animation carry me. It's an odd yet strangely relaxing series.

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this show is a pseudo intellectual's idea of a series of life changing conversations. If you were hoping to watch a show that was as fun and unique as Adventure Time, then don't bother, very very bland with zero substance.

Rating: 1/10.

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Shout by Matt
BlockedParent2020-05-14T00:35:38Z— updated 2020-09-21T20:41:05Z

This show wants to be "deep" or "trippy" or any other number of things that the "cool" fourteen-year-olds would rave about. To be clear--there is no show here. You're sitting through a 20-minute podcast between two nameless morons offering their pointless takes on drugs or religion. The visuals are literally just to keep your eyes occupied while your brain tunes out what your ears are hearing, because there is no great wisdom or insight being offered here that's worth hearing.

Basically I already watch Joe Rogan's podcast and that's far more entertaining. This tries to be like that except without the famous guests so it has to resort to wacky animations.

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The Midnight Gospel is a gorgeous, reflective show that didn't leave me feeling or thinking quite as much as it wanted me to. But for others, it'll really hit, and I appreciate the show for that and its honesty. Its no wonder Pendleton Ward was attracted to this show- Adventure Time had its share of navel gazing that many would feel seen or condescended by, or like me, alternate between the two. Midnight Gospel is similar in that respect. The animation is inspired, and remind me- in a good way- of the animatics and fan animation you'd see on Youtube, repurposing existing audio and transforming it, adding new context. Some episodes combine the audio and visuals better than others- my personal favorite is more episode 5 than probably the more universal favorite 8- but I think this is the type of show where each episode will have a staunch defender, where it reached someone particularly deeply. It may not change your life, but it doesn't have to. You don't have t take the show as gospel. Just listen.

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The amount of unscientific, pseudo-intellectual, New Age-y BS that they tried to pass off as "facts" or "real stuff" just because they mixed in some valid tidbits from Psychology was disgusting.

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We desperately need more stuff like this. Self-contained, bizarre, yet strangely captivating animated stories with huge talent behind them; combined with some nice, grounded, yet rather in-depth dialogue between characters that's mostly separated from the aforementioned visual storytelling. Sprinkle in touches of a subtle, wonderfully executed, and completely realistic character arc tying all the episodes together, and end it all with a dream-like masterpiece about dealing with grief and death. It may be a little divisive and overwhelming, but we really do need stuff like this to take us out of all the thousands of near-identical Netflix crap that blend together into indistinguishable white noise.

We may never get much more like this, but I hope for it.

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When I saw this show I actively avoided it because the trailer weirded me out but I also added it to my watch list because the animation style intrigued me. Last night I watched it all in one sitting because I could sleep and something about the colors made me want to watch it. One of the things that’s really pushed and discussed by this show is listening and being mindful. For almost every episode Clancy listens to the person he’s interviewing but he’s also actively letting his mind wander to other things like his surroundings. A lot of people say that episode 8 is the best and it is a great episode; the dynamic between Duncan and his late mother brought me to tears because she talked to him rather than the character in the show. My personal favorite was episode 2, I loved that the deer-dog was a writer and I could relate how she felt like she was a magnet for people who have gone through loss in their life. If you want to watch this show, pick a night that you have nothing else to do and just relax with it on in the background.

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Man... I mean... Shoes am I right?

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Absolutely fantastic, everything about The Midnight Gospel is perfect, the animation, podcasts and stories that unfold are all brilliant. I've rewatched this numerous times and it has become an all-time favourite! 10/10

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Good if your tripping on acid or shrooms but pretty boring sober.

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I feel like this should be a podcast that you should listen to while high. Since I'm not, it's just a fucking waste of time.

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This is truthfully one of my absolute favorite adult cartoons. It’s non traditional and the audio is take from a podcast and set to absolutely stellar animation and art. The show goes into conversation about life, happiness, religion, death, birth, and illness. It’s silly, it’s heavy, it’s interesting, and if you are even a little spiritual it will resonate with you. This is going to usher in a new era of adult cartoons. Beautiful.

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Shout by Julieta
BlockedParent2021-04-27T22:31:02Z— updated 2021-05-04T23:58:04Z

I absoluletly loved it. I always wanted to sit through podcasts and thoughtful interviews like this but I get easily distracted and lose focus every time. This fun animations catched me eye and made me focus at the same time i was hearing this interviews.

I recommend it to anyone who would like to hear good reflections with a simple delivery and understandable vocabulary, that makes you feel like you are just hearing 2 friends talking. Plus beatiful animations.

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Last episode is an absolute masterpiece. If you're planning to drop out, just watch last episode.

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I get the idea but it's just not for me or the ones who watches with subtitles. Pace is fast and animation doesn't help to focus on conversation.

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animated podcast that delves into topics of philosophy, buddhism, politics, death, and more with the most insane & colorful animations. clancy always explores into the deepest topics with the most open mind, and honestly, every time i rewatch it, i notice something new

all-time favorite quote: "the moment u accept things as they are u don't need to hope anymore... because u realize where u are is kind of ok" - annihilation of joy (ep 5)

me and a friend was watching it; he turned and commented that he's having difficulty grasping what's going on. i told him that you don't need to understand, just let yourself experience it :)) and i think it's just something we all need to do when going through the motions of life. it's difficult to understand the absurdity and chaos around us, so perhaps we can choose to go with the flow!

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One of the few shows that tries to treat meaningful life lessons and coping methods whilst mixing it with an entertaining animation and comedy. Truly unique.

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The most unique show I have seen in a long time.

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a very good series, well produced and highly recommended.
certainly one of the best animations I’ve ever seen.
it looks like an animation like the others, but no, it's one of those that makes you stop and think. full of philosophical thoughts and reflections. very rich in itself, in addition to the super production in the drawings. beautiful animation!

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I think I'm not the only one who expected something funny as Adventure time. But unfortunately this was seriously boring. I really liked animation but that neverending talking in this show didn't work for me. If I would like to listen to the podcast I would use Spotify for this.

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I really tried to understand and like this thing but I just couldn't. So much talking gets boring. Feels like I need to smoke a big amount of pot to understand it.

Only thing I liked was on episode 1 when the President was asking for help to get in the balloon basket (when he moved his fingers like a kid). and that was it.

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