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The Miniaturist 2017

Found this gem on PBS. It's the girl from last years (2020) Emma, from before she was Emma. Nicely done.

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I watched this because Anya was in it, great acting but not my cup of tea.

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I liked it. But it all felt incredibly rushed. I wished it had one or two more episodes, to let the story breathe. The characters lacked a fair amount of development, I think. Some things needed to be explained and elaborated in greater detail for them to have the impact I felt they actually should have had.

It was good. It could have been better.

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An interesting blend of history, gender and race studies, societal norms, mysticism and above all character and strength. Great cast. Interesting story. I give this 2 part limited series an 8 (great) out of 10. [Mysterious Drama]

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This two-part event has a wonderful grasp on seventeenth-century culture and the justice system that was in motion at the time. With the twisted and eerie setting of a woman, who is voluntarily thrown into this madhouse of a family. It gives a good sense of racial and gender roles without being overly feministic or equal rights pushy. The acting involved is great and well executed. Allowing for the more emotional scenes to fully pass over to the audience. With the mystery of The Miniaturist actually not being the takeaway factor from this miniseries, as it does a great job of building characters and creating incredible drama. Worth a watch if you have two and a half hours to spare.

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