Personal Lists featuring...

The Mist 2017


UPDATED: 10/25/21


A list of Stephen King adaptations, derivative works, and original screenplays.

Missing: Woh (1998)

Updated: Feb 1 2022


Movies, TV shows and episode written by Steven King or adapted from his work.

Short films and derivative works based only on characters or locations created by King are not part of this list.

Excluded, because too loosly based on the source material:
- The Lawnmower Man (1992)
- Woh (1998)
- Haven (2010-2015)

Furthermore the following are exluced as well:
- The Devil's Gift (1985) - not an adaptation but plagiarism.

Last Update: 23/08/29


List created and maintained by

Just what currently showing on TV


The best of doomsday & post apocalyptic movies & tv shows to get you through the Covid-19 lockdown.


Everything with a (personal) Plot twist or mind f**k in the middle or at the end I watched!

(Complete personal view) This contains content that surprised me towards the end of the film/series (whatever) with the (for me) unpredictable twist. Sometimes it can also be content which just leaved me with an empty brain alone...

No guarantee for proper arrangement (everything is just a personal opinion)! This list is growing and expanding over time...


Everything "Sci-Fi/Fantasy" related stuff I watched!

For example, the official definition: Science fiction (sometimes shortened to sci-fi or SF) is a genre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life.

No guarantee for proper arrangement (everything is just a personal opinion)! This list is growing and expanding over time...


Includes every film and television adaptation (not including derivative works) listed on

Also includes all original film and television works written by King, listed under Screenplays on


300+ One of the largest collections online! Updated Frequently. It is noted that exposure to frightening fictions allow audiences to practice effective coping strategies that can be beneficial in real-world situations. Fans of horror movies or ‘prepper’ genres were not only more prepared for the pandemic, they exhibited greater psychological resilience.


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


One of my favourite genres :)

Not all will be excellent, but I will have enjoyed the concept or something similar.

Some maybe a 5 star rating, some maybe a 10.

All I would recommend.

I hope you enjoy :blush:


This is a list of movies and series based on novels or scripts by Stephen King that I've watched or plan to watch.
