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The Mole 2022

If you can come into this with two declarations, you will enjoy this show: (1) I will not compare this to the previous version of the show, and (2) I will watch this until the end. I enjoyed this show's first season a great deal, laughing with my partner about he awkwardness of the confessionals and genuinely appreciating the different set designs and challenges. We were wrong about the winner, but we were 95% sure who the mole was. That didn't take away from how much fun we had! What it lacks in originality, it makes up in casting.

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If you’ve never used an AI photo generator, you can use it mash up random things into one photo. Like Annabelle the doll eating popsicles at the pool. Or Aunt Jemima at the company Christmas party.
The new season of the Mole is the result of combining the (loose) essence of the OG Mole with every awful Netflix reality show cliche. Glasses of bubbly, everyone under 40 and fit, over-reliance on confessional cam, needlessly dramatic music. And don’t even with the cell phone elimination!!
Everything you may have come to love about the original 2 seasons is dead and gone. RIP

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If an android would be among us, it would be Ari Shapiro. He looks, dresses, and talks exactly like how I would picture an android in real-life lol

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I hope Alex Wagner will come back as host in season 3.

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The banter is so cringy and unnatural. They all feel like bad actors. I miss OG the Mole. This isn't it.

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