Fantastic scenes for Chip and Mia. I appreciate how many characters get their fair share of depth and attention.

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I enjoyed this episode a bit less than the previous one although much happens. TBH, I especially liked Alex blowing up at her daughter... because she was acting like an entitled brat, living her sheltered life in her college dorm, basically from the fruits of her mother/parents' labour.

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Alex snapping on her child like that is the best thing that has ever happened in this episode.

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Alex snapping on her child like that is the best thing that has ever happened in this episode.

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"If you want me a witness ....."

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I think we can all agree that Lizzy is the real villain of the story!!! She is like 16, and she’s crying because her parents are getting divorced?? I feel like nowadays a divorce is so normal and it doesn’t affect at all, I’m glad Alex told her to f herself.
Honestly Cory is so chaotic, is like he’s on crack and he enjoys it.
That performance by Karen (Mia) was amazing, hopefully she gets an emmy nom as supporting actress.
And does that visit at the end means that Mitch was sexually involved with Gugu???? Hopefully not cause he’s a disgusting predator!!

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God her kid is irritating.

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Great episode and the scene with Alex and jer daughter was just brilliantly done and also very bold. Great acting stuff.

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Alex has been overreacting to every god damn thing since the start of the show. It’s hard to take her seriously or give a shit about what’s happening to her. Shes annoying and immature. She’s complaining about her husband always treating her like a five year old and I’m thinking, well, that’s because YOU ARE. I grow to dislike her more with each episode. Also since I’m on a roll here, if I could describe Jennifer’s portrayal of her in one word it would be LAZY.

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I hate to say it but I don't think there is a single likeable character in this show

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I'm done with this show. I was bored out of my mind watching this episode.

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Holy shit that scene with Alex flying off the handle at Lizzie was hilarious.

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This was a pretty mediocre episode up until the end (and even that didn't make up for listing to the daughter complain for multiple scenes). I've said this in previous reviews - scenes where anyone is crying or complaining are by far the worst parts of the show. With the exception of Mad Men any children storylines on adult dramas never work.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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Holy shit the Lizzy scene was so damn good and cathartic. On both sides of the argument.

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Wow, this Lizzy is an unbearable brat.

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Dear Emmy voters,

For your consideration.

Sincerely, Jennifer Aniston

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The scene with Alex and Lizzy was amazing!

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“Nope. No abuse. Bummer.” :D

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