This season is such a roller coaster. A great episode featuring Brit Marling and the rest of the cast, and the season 1 type of mysteries and questions about life and reality keeps getting interchanged with a really mediocre if not bad slow-paced episode that barely adds anything of value, looking more like an art experiment than a directorial statement.
This one was among the better ones, a lot like the first season but I would rather watch a shorter season only featuring Brit because she's undoubtedly the star of the show. She knows how to deliver the story and put all of its weight into it.

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A few answers...and more questions. At least they're starting to get to the bottom of the house and how it's connected. I liked a few of the reveals but whatever the h*ll Dr. Percy is doing with those flowers is beyond me. Random thoughts: mercury sulfide is a great hallucinogen, apparently. Poor Zendaya has to deal with a friend who got bit by a spider AND a creepy haunted house. Where can I buy one of the eyeball USBs? Homer's even more of a moron in this dimension. I like the traveler lady--maybe she's got more boxes? So Scott ended up somewhere else in the house? How did HAP get him back to the lab? And we finally got some answers about why the detective guy was sought out in the first place...

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So who replaces the lightbulbs in the tunnel? :bulb:

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