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The Office: Season 5

5x08 Frame Toby

NOOOO! GOD! No, God, please no! No! No! NOOO!

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the beginning is iconic i love it

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Dwight's novel, coming soon!

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No God, please no! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So this was the episode where the famous Michael meme comes from! I still don‘t get why Michael hates Toby so much but I guess it should be funny.

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This episode was so mean and so bad. Not funny at all.

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+The Vance Refrigeration employees who sell Michael the fake drugs are actually writers and producers on the show, Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky.
+Michael references Scream 2 (1997) and its killer, Ghost Face (Timothy Olyphant). Olyphant later appeared in The Office: The Sting (2010) and The Office: Costume Contest (2010) as Danny Cordray, a rival salesman who joins Dunder Mifflin as a traveling salesman.
+The house used for Jim's parents' house is located at 13831 Calvert Street in Van Nuys, California.

+Right after the opening credits, Michael and Dwight are looking at Toby from Michael's office window and it's dark outside. The very next scene Michael is calling David and it's light outside.
+When Pam is telling Jim that she loves the house in the garage, and asking if they have to sleep in Jim's parents' bedroom, a wire from the boom mic is visible for about 2 seconds at the top of the screen. This is actually a wire from the garage door, which can be seen when Jim opens the garage.

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Who made the mess with the Microwave?!! I have to know to live my life in peace!

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"It just seems awfully mean. But sometimes, the ends justify the mean."

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