Alyssa's reactions to finding out about Jack are so out of line. Remember the first days she showed him around in the order, and there was all this blood and she was all like "oh yeah sacrifices are normal, now clean this up", fast forward where they're doing human sacrifices, fast forward to Jack "being a monster", oh no help stay away from me you fiend.
... Just... come on.

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I don't think Edward is a bad guy or the bad guy. It's starting to seem that way but I think it's a misdirect. He probably just wants more power, that's all. He'll end up being the one who saves everyone or something like that. I'm starting to think that the real bad guy is actually Peter. He seems off. How did he even know about Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose at the start of the show? Was he once apart of it? I'd be surprised if he isn't some sort of villain in the end.

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I knew that dude was still lying somehow. He's always a bad guy except when he was on the Unit. In general I'm liking this show. The main actor is the weakest link and he's doing a better job now than when it started.

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