Shouts about...

The Orville

Season 2

The sophomore season of The Orville has aged well. The cast feels comfortable to a point where it has a strong Cheers vibes to it -- the Orville is a spaceship where everybody knows your name.

One of the major misconceptions of the first season was that The Orville is a comedy, owing much to its creator, Seth MacFarlane. While the show is occasionally very funny, it is sci-fi above and all. It has stronger Star Trek vibe than Star Trek: Discovery that is airing on the same night.

Seth MacFarlane continues to demonstrate his deep respect for science, and his surprising humanist side. Many episodes are thoughtful, respectfully presenting both sides of the coin without being preachy.

While the series lacks cinematic depth of Star Trek: Discovery, it looks and feels just as expensive. And I think the decision is entirely intentional. Just tune in, sit back, and enjoy the stress free hour of great sci-fi.

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Sure, this show leans more toward comedy, but simply put, still more of a "Star Trek" feel to it than a certain other current Star Trek series. Don't get me wrong, I'm watching both, but this definitely follows in the footsteps and formula of the likes of The Next Generation in many ways. If that's your thing, I think you'll enjoy this.

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Tried to like it, honestly, but this show is so colossally bad it actually hurts. Maybe if they stuck to being derivative satire, it might be funny, but as it is, it's just bad concepts, writing and acting.

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Top tier comedy. Absolutely loved both seasons! Can’t wait for season 3!!

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This show took a massive dive. The first season was interesting with comedy. The second season is the worst pile of politically correct non comedic drama I've sat through in a long time. I stuck with it for around 8 episode but I'm unsure if I'll ever finish the season or go back to the show. dissapointing

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The Discovery writers should take a look at this season of Orville on how you tackle issues without alienating everyone.

There are strong female characters in it and a highly heterophobic race (They somehow remind me of the arabic emirates, just with heterophobia instead of homophobia and weapons instead of oil and positioning...)

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