The show gets deeper and deeper with each episode.

Asking questions I never thought possible.

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He brought me a banana.
No, Isaac.
Oh, right.

hahahaha, don't you feel that Isaac is like Sheldon? XDDDD

And that one

I prefer to hear from Commander Lamarr.

That was funny too XD

This episode was so much fun, I think it is one of the greatest one yet!

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I just hope the bridge of the Orville has an insurance for water damage.

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I got so nostalgic while watching this episode, reminiscing about Data and Tasha...
Already one of my favourite episodes from The Orville, this one was a beautiful take on the classic theme of love between a human and a machine. Where does the programming end and love starts? Truly an episode that will linger in our minds quite some time after watching it, there's a lot to think about.
On the downside of things, I was sad that we lost the chance of having Tom Selleck as a regular aboard The Orville.
They are, indeed, the weirdest ship in the fleet.

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This episode has a little bit of everything, romance, drama and especially comedy; it had me laughing uproariously and tearing sorrowfully for Claire and Isaac. This show gets better and better. The Orville is, without a doubt, the weirdest ship in the fleet.

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Claire: Let's flip the tables here.
Isaac flips table
Claire: That's not what I meant!

I almost died here :-D

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Love this show, never know what to expect.

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I can't believe they made the romance work. The conclusion about relationship in the end is quite deep actually. Also, don't go to guys like Malloy or LaMarr for relationship advices. :)

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The only good part of this episode was Norm!

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- We are, without a doubt, the weirdest ship in the fleet.

- You freaks leave me out of it [thought the random crew member next to Gordon]

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One liners. I LOVE the one liners!

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Wow! A great episode....
So much fun and yet so much depth!!!
Season 1 was okay and I was just getting it by the end, but season 2 is so much better, each episode has a deeper meaning to it, but is handled so well that it’s not rammed down your throat!
What makes it even more enjoyable is there’s no PC crap...

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Wtf I just watched the i like discovery better

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We are without a doubt the weirdest ship in the fleet And that is a good thing.

I remember in the first season the episodes written by Seth were often on the weaker side but he really has stepped up his game. He makes us feel and care for the characters. This was so much fun to watch. It was something that was on the horizon for a long time and I was never sure they should pull the trigger on the idea. Now that they did I think it works and I am curious to see where this leads. And ultimately: aren't we humans not just following our own programming ?

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Best episode yet! wholesome ... I loved it!

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Someone has a really good agent that got them guaranteed face time in season 2.

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Did everyone try the chicken? I thought the chicken was lovely.

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It is curious how they have taken the subject. That singing in the rain

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Once you get the Environmental Simulator into the picture, it's basically the same as dating a guy with a severe case of aspergers. It's hard to take anything with Isaac in it too seriously, though. I'm reminded of Brainy from Supergirl.

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