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The Rig 2023


Shout by Justin Wilhelm

This has to be the worst show and I sat and watched ever episode. This time I will never get back. The story line was the worst and the acting wasn't any better done Weaste your time.

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Didn't hate it, didn't love it either.
Decent time waster when nothing great is on.
Looks like it might be a sett up for a second season.


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I got to the end of episode three and now is the time to call it a day!
50% of the acting is mediocre at best and the other 50% is somewhere in the region of local am-dram…..
The story is so weak and been done over so many times before, The sets are akin to1970s soap operas, as is the dialogue…….
I don’t care about one single character, in fact I would very happily strike a match and watch the whole rig blow!!!!!!

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The story is good, the atmosphere is also very well done, the performances...could be better, but how the plot progresses is very bad, many situations in which you decide...NOBODY would do that, or ask, or communicate that. ..In summary; Bad series but because of the ridiculous situations, I know it's a series but a little more realism to the situations...

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Well its only the 7th of January and I've watched the worst show I'll watch all year,absolutely dreadful from the ridiculous story to the pathetic acting!

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Not sure why everyone else thought it was bad but I actually liked it quite a bit. Had enough mystery and intrigue to keep you wondering what the true intentions were. Also, how far down the rabbithole does the conspiracy go? I for one will be hoping and waiting for the second season!

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A wasted opportunity of cast, location, sci-fi, horror and spotlight on climate change

Worse, agony

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Sometimes, the artist has to apologise for the art. The art, in this case, 'The Rig', apologises in every scene.

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It’s almost like the writers had no idea of the plot, let alone the viewers. Emily Hampshire, “Rose” is a great actor in Schitts Creak, in this, sorry no, she’s out of her depth. As for Martin Compston, wonder if he regrets this one?

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It was good but the ending was so anticlimactic.

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Shout by H

Dreadful. Ridiculous story and absolutely awful toe curling acting. Also, Martin Compston, how do you from Line of Duty to this????? I just want to talk

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Wow. A+ storyline, acting, pace & intensity. It has sci-fi elements to it in which I wasn’t expecting. I rarely binge watch anything but this was a fast paced ride throughout that had me hooked.
You got to know all the characters intensely within the first two episodes and already started to feel their anguish and despair. Together with a storyline that hasn’t been done this way before and the realistic portrayal of the characters, this makes it a must watch.
I really hope there’s a second season after that epic ending to the series.
Fog descends on an oil rig, cutting off all communication and then the mystery begins. Is it extra terrestrial, man-made or simply Mother Nature? We learn more through each episode, keeping you in suspense and on the edge of your seat. A fully deserved 9.5.

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This could be so much better than it was. It starts off a little too slow and really picks up midway only to have a disappointing finale. Some characters are crazily annoying and unlikeable to the point of almost turning you off but overall, the story is intriguing and begs for more. At least, I hope there's a second season because the way this was conducted screams for another season.

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Show jumped the shark when they introduced Coake, they had a tense setting with the mysterious SiFi aspect and then decided to shift the plot so that the Oil drilling company they work for is the antagonist while having no indications or hints that said profit driven normal company is also some Illuminati type organisation with a fleshed out plan on how to kill this universes version of Cthulhu.

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I’ve never agreed more with people on the tinternet then the comments on here. The first episode was great. The second I started ponding my purpose on the planet. The 3rd episode I was wanting to put me out of my misery. This should have been a 90 minute film, not a torturous 6 hour affair.

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[Prime Video] An environmental threat that sounds too familiar and underdeveloped. Despite a good cast, it begins to turn on itself without really feeling that the show has something relevant to say about the intervention of the human being in the destruction of the planet. It proposes a revenge from the depths that is really self-defense, but does it with a script that unfolds without force and without appealing enough resources to create effective suspense. It starts as "The mist" and ends as "Contact", but in the middle there is a big void.

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The Rig first season is a "huis clos" taking place in a remote atypical location.
Add to that a frightening ambiant, and you have a recipe to create a magnetic envy to watch the show.

And the recipe works for a time, thanks to Iain Glen and Owen Teale holding everything in place really.

The secondary characters sometimes use short sentences that doesn't sound natural,
talking about "big subjects" like it's obvious in only "two words", making scene look unprofessional and not credible.

The show use a lot of computer made scenes,
which is understandable considering the location but the quality used is clearly not the best.

Also if you don't want to watch the show
but want to see the Indian doppleganger of David Mitchell dating a black guy,
seems like the writers got you covered.

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A solid sci-fi drama but nothing special. If it got a second series I'd probably watch it because of its decent cast but I wouldn't be too upset if it got cancelled.

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Boring not worth to watch

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Strong start. VERY tense and atmospheric. Do NOT like the guy with the big mouth and bigger ego. He's what we call a shizz disturber, always putting salt in the Kool-Aid and stirring thing up.

SOP to NOT tell folks their gig is ending until it's over. An oil rig is not an office job. Folks "quiet quit" out there, and people start dying.

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Pretty boring stuff,hard to keep awake at times.

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If the actors got above the minimum wage for this then they done well for themselves.

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Episode 3 and I'm dropping it. Feels like a soap opera set, story is basically done dozens of times, sometimes worse, most in a better way. I'm gonna stop here.

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Reminds me of "the mist". Entertaining.

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Saw the trailer for this and thought it looked Interesting and Different without looking at ratings
Watched Episode 1 before reading any reviews granted it was 3am but It couldn't do anything to keep my interest or keep me awake.
Continued watching the next day and noticed how bad the acting really was.
I've watched a lot of Film's & TV with Iain Glen in but this has to be one of the worst.
Halfway through Ep 2 and I'm giving it up.

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Everything that I was going say about this film was already said.

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Half way watched and its junk science woke.

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Absolutely awful series. I switched off after episode 2

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Quite a refreshing series, great actor lineup, thrilling story, it's not too heavy, it's not boring like some people claim, it stays in its lane for the most part. I don't know whether there'll be a season 2, but the story has massive potential and what I like about it is that it even works as a single season series too. I don't usually go out of my way to recommend stuff, but this isn't a big franchise, it deserves some praise. Well done, a fair 7.5/10 from me, 0.5 because I want to see more, and 7 because it does have a few minor weaknesses, too much emphasis on some things, too little on others, the script could've been a bit more polished, the acting could've been better, Teale and Glen were fantastic though, carried this thing quite successfully. Despite having a few weaknesses, it's nothing that would paint the series as bad as some people make it out, 7/10 is pretty fair, giving it less simply doesn't feel right.

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