• 3
  • 2018-04-30T00:00:00Z
  • 42m
  • 1h 24m (2 episodes)
  • English
  • Documentary
This two-part prime time social history documentary explores how the women who wed into the house of Windsor over the last century have transformed the most famous dynasty in the world.

2 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 A Royal Engagement

Series Premiere

1x01 A Royal Engagement

  • 2018-04-30T00:00:00Z42m

The Windsor dynasty's choice of a suitable bride has moved with the times, evolving from aristocrats to commoners and now a foreigner, but each one's journey to the alter has never been simple. Pursued by the media, and haunted by any skeletons lurking in closets she faces a new life in what can be a gilded cage. There is no royal rulebook to follow and a bride-to-be must learn how to embrace tradition and fit in with the world's most famous family. Finally, with the eyes of the world upon her, she faces the huge expectations of the big day. For some the pressures have been too much, leading to cold feet and threats to pull out.


1x02 A Royal Marriage

1x02 A Royal Marriage

  • 2018-05-01T00:00:00Z42m

The fairy-tale wedding is complete, but now the real work of being a royal wife begins. From producing babies to supporting good causes, the list of royal duties is endless. There are wonderful perks and privileges but all wives face dangerous pitfalls. From the women who've played by the rules, to those who challenged the establishment, theirs is a life picked over by a media hungry for royal stories. In fairy tales, princesses live happily ever after. But, in reality, married life for royal wives can be somewhat more complex and challenging.
