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The Simpsons 1989

I have tried to keep my love for this show alive, I really have. But it just never gives me any laughs and I feel I just watch it out of habit. The Simpson's is a classic so I would never advocate its cancellation. But perhaps they need new writers with fresh ideas and modern dialogue/character concepts? The main issue for me is that the show just seems slow. Lisa's feminism and veganism isn't fresh any more, it's not a controversial subject in 2021. Bart doesn't seem "that bad" of a kid when you consider how awful children are these days. Homer and Marge - their relationship just has no umf! Anyway I do love the show and I feel a sense of loyalty. But tbh, it's just not funny or interesting to me any more.

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I think the Simpsons are the best TV show for the whole family in history.

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Best show ever. Getting boring now

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Still going after all this time .... amazing show that has stood the test of time and enjoyed by 3 generations. Never gets old and good to watch any time.

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Really great. Always a classic.

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Shout by Alaric
BlockedParent2022-03-16T05:30:12Z— updated 2022-03-17T18:16:45Z

I suppose the best thing I can say is that I watch it, and sometimes it makes me smile. But it's tired now. Even the guest stars are boring. There might have been access to a zeitgeist at the beginning, but now it's same old, same old. If you want a satirical view of the modern day world, this is no longer it.

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Seasons 1-8 only - fight me

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I guessYe it’s oreyt itsjustabitgay

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This is a test for the Spoiler Option

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Shout by Lee

Anything after Season 9 gets a little meh. Although it seems to of picked up of late.

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Shout by Deleted

the first seasons are quite bad in terms of quality of storytelling and graphics, the latest ones mostly too obvious. love the simpsons of a few years ago. think about drug-inducing frogs, psycho-chili and most of all: the canyonero :D h

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Shout by Deleted

Love it! Seasons 4 - 16 are fantastic.

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difficult to rate; obviously the first several seasons are superb, but it has infamously just gotten worse ever since

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One of the best shows ever until about season 9. After season 9 the show becomes mediocre to downright bad.

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I remember watching the flrst season on Xmas eve as a kid, at my grandmas house, and my cousins kept trying to sneak peaks and getting in trouble, cause my aunt said the show was inappropriate bahahaha don't have a cow mannnnn ...times have changed ..but my love of "inappropriate" cartoons is as strong as ever and my cousins have grown into a couple lil freaks so go figure...thanks Bart!!!

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Shout by Deleted


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FXX!!! Why isn't this the most trending show right now? All 552 episodes in 12 days. Its probably one of the greatest tv shows of all time. All you Simpsons fans, if you haven't already, get the Simpsons Tapped Out game for your phone. They're doing a special Clash of Clans promotion right now and its the dopeness

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Shout by Morbo the Annihilator
BlockedParent2010-12-25T19:33:00Z— updated 2023-01-08T22:59:35Z

i correct myself, till season 13 it is watchable (with some small faults)

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One trick is to tell them stories that don’t go anywhere like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.

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Your opinion doesn't match mine That's a paddlin'

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Shout by Deleted

seasons 1-10: easily worth about a 9/10
terrible since then though

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In comparison with the earlier years The Simpsons became model citizens. In the lastest seasons i miss that spark like when Homer finds his lost brother and designs a ridiculous that ends his brothers career. Or where homer quits his job to take a dream-job at a bowling alley but has to take back his old job when Maggie is born.

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it's just insane, i know. ;) i am a pre-season-ten-watcher...

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Well ... I didn't laugh at all ... Why is this show so popular ?

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For it's first 10 seasons or so, one of the greatest TV shows ever.

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I like the classic from its early years from the 90’s to mid 2000’s I gotta say it’s good

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It started getting woke and I stopped watching. Used to be a TV staple for multiple generations.

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One of my most favorite animated shows. It does get repetitive after first ten seasons but I still like it

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If You Wanna Watch That Show
Just Ask Someone

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The Simpsons Will Not Air Tonight Due To Nascar Being Delayed To Weather.

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Started great and has got worse and worse over the years. Homer had heart. Now he's just a dumb ass. Too many writers have watered down the original good work. Kill it off!

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Brings me joy every time I watch an episode will be my favorite show FOREVER

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Read more

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Love it to death like crazy

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Everything has already been said about The Simpsons, the earlier seasons are the good ones, later seasons are generally lower quality and rely on celebrity appearances. The show only sticks around because so many people are used to it being around, not that it is actually a good show anymore. That being said, every so often you do get some fairly good episodes. It's the show you switch to when you haven't got anything to watch at tea time.

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Shout by Deleted

Co Cool everything but in family we don't like pay money cash cash cash or gold like a lip recon

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Yeah, it's not as good as it used to be but I still prefer The Simpsons over a lot of the other crap on TV.

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Shout by Deleted

The first 15 seasons were excellent, good laugh watching them.
I watched some of the later newer episodes, but found they are boring story lines and have lost the comedy I enjoyed.
I now no longer bother watching new episodes, but continue to rewatch old episodes.

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I love the show, but I wish I could get FXNow on the PS4. Oh well.

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Shout by Deleted

Fan Dabby Dozee, I Love It!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Cowabunga dudes! Still enjoyable after many years.

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Facelook Ha Ha so funny

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amazing show, love how it can be so funny along so many years

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Great show! Rewatching it now.

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Shout by Deleted

It is best show 4ever Nigga wizaboudi

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I love Ra l p h!

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love and hip hop

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love and hip hop

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One of the best shows eva

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The best serie ever

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Shout by Deleted

Seasons 1 to 9 are some of the best television ever created.

Anything after that can be buried in a deep grave and never mentioned of again. Terrible.

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An old classic

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Love it

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Great Show. Very funny :)

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Shout by Deleted

Love this

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too many eps hahaha hard to keep track!

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Shout by Deleted

watching all seasons over and over again.. never dies.

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Shout by Deleted

Months of posts, and no quotes? You people aren't Simpson fans! "In your face, Space coyote!"

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always the best!

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Actually...the show did of course change over the time of the years, but it never lost any of its speciality. The 20th season for example is really good, you just have to get into it and accept that they have changed. As they should have.

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ahhh, real Simspons fans. seasons 2-9 were the best, 9-13 were good, still watchable, but you could see it going down-hill in some episodes, and everything after season 13 is a totally different TV show.

However, I thought the movie wasn't too bad.

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Wow, people still watch the simpsons??

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