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The Strain 2014

A very good end but it could be better !!!

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Wow, now this top shelf. Grounded, yet whimsical. Del Toro triumphs with TV as much as he does in cinema.

Cannot be missed.

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This was such a surprise. The first impression was bad - but I ended up binge watching, and rating every episode over 7 (which is pretty rare for me).

It's not really original, and not really great production values...but this has gone straight to my "must see" list. I loved it.

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Yessss it just got renewed for a second season!

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Finished season three with a bang. A must see show. Also Fu*k Zach! Fu*k Zach! Fu*k Zach!

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Awesome series, especially season three. Also fuck Zach.

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This is a very good vamp show with a touch of "zombie" in it. Loved the story, good actors (incl. women ) despite "ffreshtv"s nonsense comment. Too bad it ended, but it ends well and closes the story.

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Love it with all my heart

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Great first 3 episodes then it's downhill from there... Shitty episodes

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I just want the son to get lost, worst character of the ENTIRE show.

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I don't know what's wrong with you people, it's just fictionally tv show. You guy must be horrible to watch a tv show with nitpicking any little thing. These tv show are he to take you from your boring realities. So you can relax and get lost and forget about your boring life's.
So sit there and relax and enjoy.

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I’m usually 100% against any form of media that has anything zombie related. But I have to say, this show took me by surprise. Very entertaining storyline. This is 1 of only 2 zombie type shows that I actually approve of. The other being IZombie

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Great show although this site says season 5 coming soon and um yeah it's not 4 was the last season.

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Am gonna miss this show....

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Its science fiction at its greatest. Gripping episode by episode. Love most of the characters - yeah some of the acting is sub-standard but its ok, its sci-fi. Imagine those strigoi wandering the streets at night.............and those worms..........danger lurking even when you kill them. Now thats a powerful foe I dont want to come up against. Wash the splashback people!

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Shout by xKepe

Although there are some annoying characters behaving strangely and making things far from the common sence,there is an interesting battle between the Master and pretty much everyone else...The best part is that you really see that the characters are in danger from the strigoi you feel the tension and threat in contrary to other shows that zombies or monsters or other creatures are ridiculusly easy to kill...Cant wait for season 3!!!

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First episode was promising and the reason i started watching the show. Later it got little uninteresting but after, with the new plots and the development of the events it got intriging again. I recommend it!

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I forced myself to watch this for a friend. The first 6 episodes were torture, but if you watch the 'previously on's and start watching from episode 7, you'll be alright.. I don't recommend anyone watch this show before episode 7

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Great second season, even better than first.

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I don't really like horror or suspense tv shows or movies, but this show is growing on me. I think it's really good, but if they make a lot of seasons I think the show will became boring.

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First season = great!
Turned out to be boring show and...just awful

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First season was very good and intense.. But unfortunately, it turned out to be a boring show... damn!

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This show has grown on me. I didn't mind watching it if it came on, but wouldn't be checking for it.

If you think about it, if they killed the Master, then the show would be over. It'll be hard for them to introduce a new monster.

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I like this show - it is an interest spin on vampirism. The story is well developed and the character development has been good. I think this show will continue to grow in popularity over time and should get the numbers to continue.

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Superb vamp universe dread and apocalyptic with a rat catcher NY style

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I really like the first 6 episodes. Could be a little bit faster. The story could be great in the next few seasons. I hope they not mess it up.

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at first you're like, oh okay this looks promising.
by episode 3-4 it feels like it's going nowhere and it gets super boring.
i actually dropped it there. but i had nothing to do today and decided to give it another chance and i have to say i regret nothing. after episode 5 it got really interesting and i wasn't even disappointed by the finale, i will certainly be sticking around for season 2. i really want to see what's next.

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This show is slowly but surely losing its appeal to me... Sure the first season had us on the edge of our seats with the whole city turning into vampires and what not... But now its just a yawn fest of forgettable subplots, and origin filler nobody cares enough about to remember. Here is a an idea show... HAVE A POINT!!!

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I see alot of potencial in this show! Not everyday we get shows like these.

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The show had a tremendous potential. But there are no good characters in this male dominated story. The acting is bad and unbelievable. There is no logic in the characters actions. I am surprised this lasted for four years.
Characters are everything! If you don't care about them, there is no story.

Such a shame.

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The worst protagonist since that waifish dude they had play King Arthur in Camelot.

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This show is strangely... gripping.

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great show, but the re-cast of the son was a horrible decision

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Shout by Dude

New York City: omg we're being plagued by a physiology altering viral infection of an unknown strain somehow transmitted by worms with bacterial properties because of their aversion to silver. And oh, which turns people into zombie-vampires!
The rest of the United States: meh.
The rest of the world: Whole world: meh.

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Season 1 was a disappointment, but Season 2 is totally awesome! You guys should give it a shot and watch Season 2. It's solid.

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Shout by Deleted

After a weak and disappointing season 1, it seems that the show has found its track. The practical and special effects are quality Del Toro, cinematography is very strong and memorable. Replacing the kid actor was a terrible choice, as the season 2 kid is even worse than the one from season 1. Definitely worth a watch for the body horror.

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Чудовий серіал! Гра акторів, то як знятий серіал, спецефекти, сама інтерпретація вампіризму ... все на вищому рівні. Динамічність розвитку сюжету в серіалі змушує з нетерпінням чекати наступного сезону.
Всім раджу :)
Google translate: A wonderful series! The game actors, how to lift the series, special effects, interpretation of vampirism itself ... all top notch. The dynamic of the story in the series makes to look forward to next season.
I advise everyone :)

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One of the best new shows of the summer '14. A great mixture of horror, adventure, mystery and drama.

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Go out there???..with them THINGS runnin around?! can count me out

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You've got to take the show for what it is; everything is on the surface. It's campy and fun and chock full of ridiculousness. A terrible blast.

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that is NOT how vampires are suppose to look like!!!!!

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Perfect and grisly...

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started watching season 02 and I will be awesome

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It'll end up being an X-seasons show...of that I am certain.
It could have been exciting and brainy. Gush, I just can't watch something I know will become a pile of shit.

Ooookay, screw that.

I'll get back to it, when I'm like really bored, in a week maybe! laughs
Acting is so-so. The plot is a mess. But, I've seen worse. It's brainless and entertaining and I wouldn't dare give it 9-10/10 hearts, never!
It'll probably get a second season, so it's a must-see for bored peoples waiting for their TOP shows airing once a year over a period of two months. >.<

Disclaimer- in case the show gets cool: reserves the right to update the shout anytime. X.X

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such ruined potential! Horrible characters, horrible vilain, horrible casting, an annoying kid... The worst being Abraham! Oh my god, stop talking, and moralizing every one!

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Well what can you say at this point? i guess i love vampires..

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its not bad enough for me to drop mid season but I am pretty sure I won't be sticking around for season 2

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pilot was great, im a big fan of guilerme del toro so i had high hopes

I even didnt mind and thought some of the first season was good, but by the time the "monster" shows itself its already bordering on mediocrity and seeing just how bad the thing was, i had to turn it off, its a shame as it really showed a lot of promise in the beginning but then the acting and plot just seemed to deteriorate fast

by the time you see the monster as it looks so bad you geninely have to laugh at just how bad, its like a 70s or 80s prop in a time when CGI is unreal

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Seems pretty generic so far and the acting also has not really pulled me in. I am going to watch the first season and that will probably it for me.

FX has its hits and misses in terms of tv shows and I think this is one of their misses.

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can we get another image for cover image? She is the worst caracter to be there!!

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Love it! Suspense, horror, fantasy. What else could you want for a Fan on this genre?

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Awesome TV show

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Love it

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The longer this show drags on the more apparent it becomes that this would have been much better as a movie than a series. I enjoyed the pilot and the first few episodes were pretty good, but it's really starting to drag on. Not to mention, the majority of the characters are overwhelmingly dull and/or annoying.

And let's just say, if you were waiting to see what The Master was hiding under his hood, don't even bother. If you were expecting something genuinely creepy then you're gonna be disappointed. It's not only incredibly pedestrian, it's so goofy looking that it makes the vampires on Buffy look fantastic.

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this show needs an mst3k track

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like it but not love it yet...but it is getting better each amd every episode

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good but not great pilot but still really pumped up gor the series...I think this is an ideal show for binge watching

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my most anticipated show of the summer...cant wait

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great episodes totally creepy and keeps me waiting to see more

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I wish I could say this show is entirely out of character for FX, but after season 3 of American Horror Story.. The Strain feels right at home.

Piss-poor acting, awful writing. The tone of the show is nice and the effects are great but that can only ever be the icing on the cake, not the cake itself. After watching 3 episodes it's clear the cake in this instance is made of shit.

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Yea I also think this is a really good show me and my mate are really pleased wiv this once I've looked trough everything on net this was a really good find compared to some of the s### out there

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Awful ! I loved the pilot and the first episodes...but then it just slips into incoherence and bad acting. The characters are empty or annoying and sometime both.
As the season pass the story just get worse...such a shame I really enjoyed the pilot and had good hopes for this show.

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Slaps roof... This bad boy can hold so many cliches and bad dialogue.

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GREAT SHOW!!! Season 2 was even better.

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Shout by Deleted

Really, really bad. if this is the sort of quality we can look forward to after sons of anarchy finishes then FX is gonna turn into the next "The CW". god damn I expected so much more from GDT at least...jesus

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Not greatness, but it is summer-blockbuster B-movie fun. Best enjoyed with popcorn.

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After watching the first 2 episodes ... i wonder what the hell do people look in a TV show. This is a prove of how terrible shows can have multiple seasons and good shows get canceled.

There is absolutely nothing good in this show. Terrible acting, terrible writing, childish plot holes. a pathetic mess.

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Watched the pilot and the second episode. The pilot felt super rushed. They were too eager to expose a lot of the details already and the second episode felt like they were trying to fix it by slowing the pace down a lot. I didn't feel any of the characters, they came across as flat and dull. There were little to no secrets left which felt like watching a movie that kept on going so I quit watching after those two episodes. I like how they are trying to bring back the scary vampires instead of the sparkling twilight version of vampires but everything was so predictable and on the edge of boring that I couldn't bear to watch more.

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I agree with other commentator that under the hood does look goofy rather than frightening, not scary in the least.

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Although this show is a few years old now, I had it on my to watch list bc it sounded worth checking out. I am not even halfway the pilot episode, and this show is already getting on my nerves. Looked like someone was challenged to get every cliché possible crammed into a single episode. And if I have to believe the comments, this is supposed to be one of the BETTER episodes of the first season? xD Hard pass.

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Damned if I know why I'm liking this show, the genre is not something I would normally watch. The history of IT as I don't think it has a name yet, is rather sketchy & the thing itself and it's effects when bitten or slashed, a little over the top. Anyways I'll stick with the show and see where it goes.

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awesome show

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awesome show

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Nice TV Series

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