Personal Lists featuring...

The Tick

Season 1


Jason's Completed Seasons

by billsman70


70%+ average from 25+ critics & 500+ users on Rotten Tomatoes.
or 7+ average from 5k+ users on IMDB
or 8+ average from 20k+ users on MDL


Jason's Completed Seasons of 2017

by billsman70


Films/Shows with a rating of 3.5-4 (7 or 8).


The things that I will see through a screen this year


Good comic book films and TV shows


Seasons Watched in 2018

by Ryyke

A list of the television seasons and miniseries I finished in 2018.


Listings here are by season unless all seasons have been watched and no more seasons of the given show are set to aire. Completed shows (all seasons with no new ones) are marked with a final score which is an average of all of its seasons. Averages with partial points < 5 are rounded down, >5 is rounded up.


Cole’s Top Shows of 2017 (Ranked from Best to Worst)

by Deleted

A list of my FAVORITE shows from the year 2017! This list consists of shows released in the United States in 2017 that I viewed on network television (ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, Fox), cable (AMC, FX, USA, History), premium (HBO, Starz, Showtime), and streaming sites (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu). Ranked from best to worst. NOTE: Shows eligible for this list have to have had their season premiere in the year of 2017.


Series cómicas de 25 minutos


Temporadas de séries, shows e especiais televisivos assistidos e reassistidos em 2020.
