I have mixed feelings about this one, I really dislike having too much nudity instead of character development but there were also both some funny and some moving parts in it. It was also really weird to have two "instances" of Henry explain time travel to Claire and her friends, even more so as the younger Henry was still the boyfriend of Ingrid (who apparently has suicidal tendencies and is going to die young), while in spite of having an affair with her best friend's boyfriend, Clare is obviously deep in love with Henry and the time she has to wait for really meeting him and being together with him is tormenting her. I like the beginning of the episode with both Clare and older Henry explaining how falling in love works :)

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-06-29T18:06:28Z— updated 2022-07-08T15:39:15Z

A good episode but unlike the perfect flawless movie I'm having a real hard time with some characters and their decisions.
Clare you let me down big time and you really need to stop being a bitch with how she interacts
around Henry's.
What she did with that douchebag best mate the asshole was unforgivable and she lost my respect right their and any sympathy I had for her.
I so wanted Henry to drop him we're he stood.
That being said this was a way,way better episode than the last and somehow managed to get me in the feels towards the end after a mix of well everything really.
The two Henry's was the coolest and the best part.

Only two episodes left,
Please please please just hold the quality, don't go woke and
Stick the Landing
That's all I ask.

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Now make Gomez sleep with Ingrid and let Charrise try out Henry. What an emotional mess!

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Another good episode. This show is a grateful surprise, i'm loving it (and it's not just because of Theo James's amazing body).

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