Team and team ? Fuck them and theirs unbalanced votes. Quite a lot of those votes are cast before season/show even ends.


We've had two impeccable television years in a row, so it seems like Peak TV is hardly dead. Here's to a third!

Side-note: Instead of ranking the shows as I go (this became all-consuming), I'm going to use this to keep track of the shows I watch in 2022 and then rank them at the end of the year. Have a great year, everyone!


All the movies, shows, episodes, specials, and events I've watched.


Shows that I watch select episodes from.


2014 was about the year when I started getting really into movies. Television was a ways away, but I was beginning to think more about my experience with it, rather than just passively watching it or obsessing over The Office and Community. 2014 marked the ends of some eras, but I think it was really marked by a lot of experimental, bold storytelling. As if the mainstream had finally earned it.

Some honorables: First half of Mad Men's end, Psych's end, the soaring heights of HIMYM's end, Veep, BoJack, "Background Check," Girls, Americans, Brooklyn, Sweden, "Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency," Cosmos, Spoils of Babylon, Billy on the Street, Late Night with Seth Meyers.


These are shows that I watch occasional episodes but not every one (usually an interview or talk show)


List of the Series that I watch randomly in alphabetical order.
