Great episode! A lot of good callbacks to the original series.

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I'm usually really bad at predicting where story is going, but this has been dull ride and unbelievalbly predictable one, not good when your plot device relies heavily on supsense and mystery.

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What I liked most about this episode was that, like Peele’s “Us”, it goes beyond the surface level plot (which was interesting in itself) to tell points that are interesting critiques on our culture.

This ep’s critique in my eyes? We have gotten so caught up in finding mysteries and solving them, that we create self-fulfilling prophecies where we being contaminating reality and making our own premature conclusions, ignoring what’s happening right in front of us.

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Now this is what a good Twilight Zone episode should be. I did not see that ending coming.

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It was very predictable but in my opinion much better than episode 1.

I really enjoyed this episode but maybe I'm biased because adam scott.

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The final scene was unnecessary

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Good, not great, episode. While it looks amazing, and it offers a slightly fresher retelling on a story that's been told (at least) twice before, it never really cashes in on the main character's "dark memories." And, what was with that ending?

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I am really loving this reboot, its efforts at making old, recurring nightmares relevant to the times, and the mindful references it makes to the original.

I love that it can still make me question the real, consider the odds of the seemingly unreal and waddle in the infinite possibilities that exist in the in-between. And even then, not every question is answered. Not every mystery is solved in ways that immediately make sense (or at all). But the messages that each episode hopes to impart are always there and are never missed.

Welcome, indeed, to the new Twilight Zone.

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I am not a purist, I expect some variability and modernization from the original series and the movie, but this went way too far off course. The writing was very poor and several errors were made. For instance, the mp3 narration at the end stated that all had survived except Sanderson and were found on a near barren atoll. There are no atolls in the Atlantic other than eight atolls east of Nicaragua which the flight was nowhere near (just before the crash the "pilot" radioed "Good night, New York".) Also, the island where Sanderson and flight debris were depicted as having washed up upon the shore was definitely not "near barren" nor was made of coral. I assume that Sanderson was now a ghost, having not survived the crash, but were the others on the island ghosts of the survivors? I do admit, however, that the gremlin doll was a nice touch and a tribute to the much better TOS episode.

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Oh nice Neon Genesis Evangelion reference ;)

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Definitely a step up from the first episode. Adam Scott carried this episode well as his frenetic energy slowly built. The last scene could have been more subtle, perhaps the podcast voice over and waking up to see himself surrounded rather than actually seeing them attack him?
Possible that the show has felt the need to go more mainstream and handholdy? I hope not.
I never properly watched the previous versions of this show, only caught eps here and there. I fear I may have to go back and watch all that rather than hanging my hopes on this being better.
But still an improvement on the opening episode at least. Will see where it all goes.

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This episode is slightly better than the first one. Still predictable as all hell, but also a little more exciting. The thing is, I feel I have seen this story told before. Several times, actually. At least it’s getting more like the old Twilight Zone.

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Much better than the 1st Episode, and I really enjoyed another retelling of this fascinating story and I really appreciate it making this story so very current, with the podcast and that. KUDOS for showing me something new I'd not seen before in the other 2 retellings of this particular story. 8/10
Good Effort

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I liked this one a lot more than the first episode. It was really creepy to me but maybe that's just cause I'm scared of planes, LOL.

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I really liked this episode. I did guess the twist.

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Shout by Deleted

So far, now after 7 episodes, this one was the only quite ok Episode. ill drop this horrible Remake of a good (actually 2 good) show(s).

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It was better than the 1st episode but still a little weak for The Twilight Zone.

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It kept my interest throughout and was slightly fun. Yet still was the worst version of Nightmare at 20,000 Feet. Even if it was creative, it was also goofy.

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The whole time I'm watching this episode I pretty much knew HE was going to be the cause of what ever was going to happen on that flight.
I still found it to be a good one... Although, one can argue that the only place a plane would crash and everyone surviving could only be in, The Twilight Zone insert theme song here

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Well at least it wasn't gremlins again.

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