The Twilight Zone (2019) 02×01
Nightmare at 30,000 Feet
Worth watching

OK, I’ll admit, i inwardly groaned when I read the title of this one, what with the similarly titled classic episode nightmare at 20,000 feet. Which if you have never seen, go download, classic episode.

But other than a similar title and being set upon an airplane it’s a pretty different tale with a very different outlook. A journalist finds a mp3 player upon which holds on it a podcast discussing the tragic fate of flight 1015. Which just happens to be this flight.
Jordan Peel

The narration by Jordan Peele (who I am totally unfamiliar with) feels good, I particularly liked the way his his narration cut across the airplanes onboard tvs.

The tale itself is fairly straight with our journelist trying to piece together what is being said on the podcast with the reality of his situation. Becoming irratating to his fellow passangers but finding out more and more that what is on the podcast is true & events are leading towards a flight that disapears from the radar.

Unlike the original nightmare at 20,000 feet this tale has a different and pleasing ending. I’m enjoying this pace at 1 hr episodes, which gives the show time to allow the characters to breath.

Without giving the ending away the twilight zone again proves what a cruel mistress she can be to seemingly undeserving people.

Really enjoying this show so far, looking forward to more.

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